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1996 HQ Rulings
> HQ 958636 - HQ 958741
HQ 958636 - Modification of NYRL 845649 concerning the tariff classification of Acyclovir (CAS 59277-89-3)
HQ 958637 - Modification of NYRL 889635 concerning the tariff classification of Acyclovir (CAS 59277-89-3)
HQ 958639 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest 3701-95-100082, on the classification of Freeze Dried Lactococcus.
HQ 958641 - PRD 3901-95-101028; Components of Foam Surround Manufacturing System; Machinery for Making Paper Cones for Loudspeakers; Cone Molding Machine With Trimmer, Conveyor With Drying Oven, Urethane Foam Forming Machine and Attaching Machine; Heading 8441, Machinery For Making Up Paper Pulp,
HQ 958642 - PRD 1901-95-100090; V-Bed Flat Knitting Machines, Power Driven, Knitting Machines With Opposed V-Shaped Needle Beds; Other Flat Knitting Machines, Subheading 8447.20.60; Knitting Machines for Producing Flat Fabric
HQ 958645 - Revocation of a woman's sandal with plastic and leather upper; external surface area of the upper; analysis based on the greatest area exposed on the shoes surface
HQ 958649 - Modification of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 815628 of October 23, 1995
HQ 958651 - Country of origin of a down comforter; Section 102.21, Customs Regulations
HQ 958652 - Country of origin determination for men's twill pants, jeans and flannel shirt; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(4); most important manufacturing process
HQ 958653 - I.A. 51/95; Electrical Wiring Harnesses, Electrical Apparatus Used as Conductors in Automotive Applications, Apparatus for Supplying Electricity to Working Parts of Automotive Vehicles, Heading 8544; Section XVI, Note 1(l); Parts and
HQ 958655 - Country of Origin Determinations for Turtleneck Shirt and T- Shirt; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4); Most Important Assembly; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(5); Last Important Assembly
HQ 958656 - Country of Origin Determinations for Sweatshirt, Cardigan, and Joint Sweatshirt; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4); Most Important Assembly
HQ 958659 - Country of Origin of Casual Trousers; ยง 102.21, Customs Regulations
HQ 958660 - Country of origin determination; 19 CFR 12.130; compact disc/audio cassette carrying cases; CD player case; material cut in Taiwan; assembly of pre-cut components in China; mere assembly is not substantial transformation; HRL's 951899 (10/31/92); 954225 (8/30/93); 956634 (9/29/94); 957700 (3/29/95); 958222 (7/28/95).
HQ 958661 - Ancamide 220, An Epoxy Curing Agent
HQ 958665 - Country of origin determination; 19 CFR 12.130; compact disc/audio cassette carrying cases; CD player case; material cut in Taiwan; assembly of pre-cut components in China; mere assembly is not substantial transformation; HRL's 951899 (10/31/92); 954225 (8/30/93); 956634 (9/29/94); 957700 (3/29/95); 958222 (7/28/95).
HQ 958667 - Country of origin determination for men's or boys' overalls; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(4); most important assembly
HQ 958668 - Country of origin determination for men's woven trousers; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(4); most important assembly
HQ 958670 - Protest 2809-95-101380; Terracotta Clay Cooker
HQ 958680 - Country of origin determinations; men's woven shirt; Section 102.21, Customs Regulations.
HQ 958690 - Classification of three Megamouth articles, Warp'r, Jam'n, and Toons
HQ 958694 - Reconsideration of Pembina District (now Port) Ruling Letter (DD) 815380 (10/17/95); "Wood Santa with Gifts Display;" Statuettes and Other Ornaments of Wood; Not Festive Articles
HQ 958700 - Country of Origin determination for knit scarves and headbands; fabric knit in Taiwan; 19 CFR 12.130(b),(d),(e); knitting constitutes a substantial transformation
HQ 958702 - Revocation of NYRL 891702 (11/19/93); classification of coated fabric; Note 2(a)(1) to Chapter 59; heading 5903, HTSUSA; coating rendered visible to the naked eye if manually separable from underlying fabric.
HQ 958703 - Modification of HRL 958462 (11/2/95); issuance of a de novo binding classification ruling inappropriate where the recipient previously was issued a conflicting unrevoked ruling on the identical merchandise; coated fabric.
HQ 958704 - HQ 081535 Modified; Diamond Drill Blanks; Polycrystalline Diamond Fragments
HQ 958708 - HQ 088964 Revoked; Membrane Switch Assembly, Keypad With Two Flexible Membrane Circuits Having Carbon Ink Circuitry Printed on Them, Paper Spacers and Plastic Graphics; Parts of Electrical Apparatus for Line Telephony or Telegraphy, Heading 8517; Touch Operated Switch for Making/Breaking Electric Contact in Multiline Telephone Systems, Nidec Corporation v. U.S., Section XVI, Note 2
HQ 958709 - HQ 087362 Revoked; Keyboard/Panel Switch for Cellular Mobile Telephone; Parts of Transmission Apparatus for Radiotelephony Whether or Not Incorporating Reception Apparatus, Heading 8529; Bases for Electric Control or the Distribution of Electricity, Heading 8537, Nidec Corporation v. U.S., Section XVI, Note 2
HQ 958710 - Application for Further Review of Protest 2704-95-102099, dated June 28, 1995, Concerning Protective Gear for In-line Skating
HQ 958711 - NY 863577, HQ 089938 Revoked; Elastomer, Klik Key Rubber Switch, Electrical Apparatus for Completing Electric Circuits; Switches, Heading 8536; Electrical Insulators, Heading 8546; Bases for Electric Control or Distribution of Electricity, Heading 8537, Nidec Corporation v. U.S., Section XVI, Note 2
HQ 958713 - Classification of sweat garments and flannel shirt; Headings 6205, 6104, 6110; Country of origin determination pursuant to Section 12.130, Customs Regulations; Section 102.21, Customs Regulations
HQ 958718 - Reconsideration of NYRL 813200; Stereo Earphones with Denim Wrist Pouch; Not Composite Good or Set; Not GRI 5(a) Container
HQ 958727 - NY 814292 Affirmed; Marine Steering Wheel, Stainless Steel Steering Wheel
HQ 958728 - Protest 3304-95-100055; Remote terminal unit components; relay panels; circuit board assemblies; section XVI, note 1(m); chapter 90, note 6; 19 CFR ?174.13; uniform and established practice
HQ 958729 - NY 882222 Revoked; Heat Recovery Ventilator, Apparatus for Replacing Stale Air, Heat Exchanger, Motor-Driven Fan or Blower and Dehumidistat; Air Conditioning Machine, Heading 8415; Machine Having Individual Function Not Specified or Included Elsewhere
HQ 95873 - Protest 2304-95-100161; Glass multiple-walled insulating units, "Lites"; Explanatory Notes 70.08, 70.16.
HQ 958730 - NY 881844 Revoked; Heat Recovery Ventilator, Apparatus for Replacing Stale Air, Heat Exchanger, Motor-Driven Fan or Blower and Dehumidistat; Air Conditioning Machine, Heading 8415; Machine Having Individual Function Not Specified or Included Elsewhere
HQ 958737 - Country of origin determination; 19 CFR 12.130; compact disc carrying cases; material cut in Taiwan; assembly of pre-cut components in China; mere assembly is not substantial transformation; HRL's 951899 (10/31/92); 954225 (8/30/93); 956634 (9/29/94); 957700 (3/29/95);958222 (7/28/95); Section 334 of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act; Section 102.21, Customs Regulations.
HQ 958738 - Classification of knit pet grooming gloves; NYRL 813954 (9/15/95) affirmed; NYRL 889835 (7/19/94) distinguished; 6116.10.5520, HTSUSA.
HQ 958741 - Request for reconsideration of DD 814910; classification of women's knitwear; cut and styling of a cardigan; not a dress; heading 6110, HTSUSA