United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1995 NY Rulings
> NY 811086 - NY 811207
NY 811086 - The tariff classification of 2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl- methacrylate (CAS # 352-87-4), 2,2,3,3-Tetrafluoropropyl- methacrylate (CAS # 45102-52-1) from Germany and 2,3- Dihydroxybenzaldehyde (CAS # 24677-78-9) from France
NY 811090 - The tariff classification of polyurethane strip from Japan.
NY 811093 - The tariff classification of three decorative tassels from India.
NY 811094 - The tariff classification of "Spike-Mate" Golf Shoe Covers from Taiwan, Korea, China or Mexico.
NY 811095 - The tariff classification of a man's jacket and a pair of trousers from Taiwan
NY 811097 - The tariff classification of a stationary terminal from Mexico
NY 811098 - The tariff classification of animal feed from Mexico.
NY 811105 - The tariff classification of a vinyl tote bag from China.
NY 811107 - The tariff classification of various confectionery products from Hungary.
NY 811108 - The tariff classification of various confectionery products from Hungary.
NY 811109 - The tariff classification of abrasive pumice grains on a base of plastic material from Korea
NY 8111139 - The tariff classification of women's woven jumpers from India.
NY 811118 - The tariff classification of a Noah's Ark set from China
NY 811119 - The tariff classification of wind chimes from Indonesia
NY 811120 - Tariff classification of wood display cabinets and calendar bear porcelain hinged boxes from Taiwan
NY 811122 - The tariff classification of a glass beaded handbag from China
NY 811127 - The tariff classification of floor medallions from Italy.
NY 811129 - The tariff classification of a flatware set and a glass pitcher from Italy
NY 811130 - The tariff classification of a body massager from Hong Kong
NY 811138 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of a dairy product from Canada; Article 509
NY 811140 - The tariff classification of chocolate covered wafers from Hungary.
NY 811141 - The tariff classification of cutlery sets from China
NY 811145 - The tariff classification of meat mincers from China
NY 811148 - he tariff classification of a vinyl squeeze toy from China.
NY 811154 - The tariff classification of Hershey's Kisses extra creamy milk chocolate candy from Canada.
NY 811156 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of blended honey from Canada; Article 509
NY 811161 - The tariff classification of TV support brackets from Argentina
NY 811162 - The tariff classification of various children's activity sets from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong
NY 811164 - The tariff classification of an automotive hub & rotor assembly from China
NY 811171 - The tariff classification of automotive Truck parts from Japan
NY 811173 - The tariff classification of a glass decorative article from Canada.
NY 811180 - The tariff classification of PVC and PVC backed fabrics from Taiwan or China.
NY 811185 - The tariff classification of a pinball game machine from China.
NY 811186 - The tariff classification of an Ocean Fishing Magnet from Australia.
NY 811189 - The tariff classification of a battery operated air hockey game from China.
NY 811190 - The tariff classification of a battery operated game from China.
NY 811191 - The tariff classification of telescopic sights from Austria.
NY 811196 - The tariff classification of lacquered, printed and painted medium density fiberboard from Germany
NY 811198 - The tariff classification of a man-made fiber bowling ball bag from China..
NY 811207 - The tariff classification of L-glutamic acid, CAS 56-86-0 from India