United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1995 NY Rulings
> NY 810485 - NY 810606
NY 810485 - The tariff classification of sewing thread from Korea.
NY 810486 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of telescopic sights from Canada; Article 509
NY 810487 - The tariff classification of control cabinets from Germany
NY 810488 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of sunglass cords from Canada; Article 509
NY 810500 - The tariff classification of a glass stand from Taiwan
NY 810505 - The tariff classification of a dipped glass cord from Japan.
NY 810506 - The tariff classification of Anthocyanin Extract from England.
NY 810507 - The tariff classification of Piroxicam (CAS-36322-90-4), from Spain; Prazosin hydrochloride (CAS-19237-84-4), from Finland; and Propafenone hydrochloride (CAS-34183-22-7), from Finland, all in bulk form
NY 810508 - The tariff classification of Calcitonin [Salmon (CAS-47931- 85-1)], in bulk form, from Belgium; and Terfenadine (CAS-50679- 08-8), in bulk form, from Italy
NY 810509 - The tariff classification of Tamoxifen citrate (CAS-54965-24- 1); Tolbutamide (CAS-64-77-7); and Xylazine hydrochloride (CAS- 23076-35-9), all in bulk form, from Ireland, Italy and Switzerland, respectively
NY 810517 - The tariff classification of an automotive seat slide adjuster from Taiwan
NY 810521 - The tariff classification of an imitation leather fabric for use in the production of garments, from Korea.
NY 810522 - The tariff classification of woven upholstery fabric from Germany.
NY 810523 - The tariff classification of wallpaper, from Japan
NY 810524 - The tariff classification of a pet grooming mitt from China.
NY 810526 - The tariff classification of polypropylene woven upholstery fabric from France.
NY 810529 - The tariff classification of a straw scarecrow from China
NY 810531 - The tariff classification of a boot upper from the Dominican Republic; CBI-2
NY 810536 - The tariff classification of bells from Taiwan
NY 810537 - The tariff classification of bells from Taiwan
NY 810541 - The tariff classification of "Wild Bird Feeders" from France.
NY 810547 - The tariff classification of wrist watches and a table clock from Japan and Taiwan.
NY 810550 - The tariff classification of childrens' book and activity sets from Taiwan, Singapore and/or Korea
NY 810556 - The tariff classification of optical windows and blanks from Russia and Ukraine
NY 810558 - The tariff classification of automotive transmission gears, gearing and sprockets from Japan
NY 810572 - The tariff classification of a "Remote Control Finder" from China
NY 810573 - The tariff classification of a pencil cup set from Taiwan, Hong Kong or China.
NY 810576 - The tariff classification of Trimeprazine tartrate (CAS-4330- 99-8), from Ireland; Trimethobenzamide hydrochloride (CAS-554-92- 7), from Italy; Trioxsalen (CAS-3902-71-4), from Finland; Tropicamide (CAS-1508-75-4), from Finland; and Xylazine base (CAS-7361-61-7), from Switzerland, all in bulk form
NY 810577 - The tariff classification of Sodium Diatrizoate (CAS # 737- 31-5) and Sucralfate (54182-58-0) from England, France and Germany
NY 810579 - The tariff classification of Crolina, Unival, and Co-Bri from Japan.
NY 810581 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Candle and Napkin Set from Canada.
NY 810583 - The tariff classification of eyelet embroidered fabric from China; textile samples in subheading 9811.00.60, HTS.
NY 810588 - The tariff classification of a hammock set from China.
NY 810589 - The tariff classification of a toy pumpkin and jointed plastic skeletons from China
NY 810590 - The tariff classification of a decorative glass article from Taiwan
NY 810596 - The tariff classification of women's nightshirt and pajamas from Hong Kong and the Philippines.
NY 810597 - The tariff classification of a ladies handbag from China.
NY 810604 - The tariff classification of bags from India.
NY 810606 - The tariff classification of sculptures from Sweden.