United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1995 HQ Rulings
> HQ 545500 - HQ 545716
HQ 545500 - Request for internal advice regarding payments made by importer of automobiles to foreign manufacturer and third parties; price actually paid or payable; assists; apportionment
HQ 545505LE - Internal Advice 34/93; price actually paid or payable; computed value
HQ 545519A - Request for Internal Advice 105/93 Concerning the Dutiability of Certain Commissions.
HQ 545532A - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3126-93- 100006; Price Actually Paid or Payable; Post Importation Adjustments.
HQ 545534 - Application for Further Review of Protest Nos. 4103-92-100049, 4103-92-100174 and 4103-92-100182; appraisement of defective merchandise; repaired merchandise; value allowance
HQ 545542 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3004-93-100193; Proper Transaction Value of Imported Merchandise; Sale for Exportation
HQ 545549 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2402-93-1000037
HQ 545560C - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-93- 101892; Sale for Exportation.
HQ 545561B - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-93- 102017; Sale for Exportation.
HQ 545571 - Internal advice request; related parties, bona fide sale; transaction value; additions to the price actually paid or payable; selling commissions
HQ 545574 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 5201-93-102081; Price Actually Paid or Payable; Applicable Exchange Rate for Currency Conversion; 19 USC 1401a(b); 19 CFR 152 and 159
HQ 545575 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3004-94-10018; Transaction Value; Price Actually Paid or Payable.
HQ 545578 - Internal Advice Request 7/94; Reduction of current duty liability to account for prior overpayments
HQ 545579 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1303-93-100249 and 1303-93-100331; estimated versus actual freight charges
HQ 545590A - Application for Further Review of Protest Numbers 3501- 93-100050, 3501-92-100374 and 3501-93-100051; Price Actually Paid or Payable; Transaction Value; Freight.
HQ 545592A - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1901- 93100046; Dutiability of Foreign Inland Freight Charges.
HQ 545595 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2704-94-100369; transaction value of imported merchandise; sale for exportation
HQ 545603 - AFR of Protest No. 4103-93-100258; sale for exportation; Nissho Iwai; Synergy; quota charges; Generra; presumption that transaction value based on the price paid by the importer
HQ 545604 - AFR of Protest No. 4103-93-100263; sale for exportation; Nissho Iwai; Synergy; quota charges; Generra; presumption that transaction value based on the price paid by the importer; related parties
HQ 545606 - Interest payments made by importer pursuant to Working Capital Financing Agreements; transaction value
HQ 545612 - Sale for exportation; Dutiability of royalty payments for use of trademark; HRLs 545271, 544923
HQ 545624 - Internal Advice Request; buying commissions; HRL 542621; HRL 544669
HQ 545625 - Transaction value; price actually paid or payable; freight; HRL 544911; HRL 544646
HQ 545628 - Discrepancies between visaed and commercial invoices; T.D. 86-56
HQ 545635 - Article 509; NAFTA; regional value-content; net cost method; total cost; value of materials; customs value; value of indirect materials, section 6(12); section 7(1)
HQ 545638 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3001-93-100849; Headquarters Ruling Letter 544666; transaction value; related parties; transaction value of similar merchandise
HQ 545648 - Internal Advice 10/94; carrying cases; sale for exportation; Nissho Iwai American Corp v. United States; Synergy Sport International, Ltd. v. United States; HRL's 545144; 545271; 545320; presumption that transaction value is based on the price the importer paid
HQ 545658 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-1-106085; Proper Appraised Value; Defective Merchandise
HQ 545660 - Dutiability of Buying Agency Commissions; purported buying agent also performs some services on behalf of manufacturer
HQ 545661 - AFR of Protest No. 3701-93-100148; buying commissions; selling commissions; seller and purported agent are related
HQ 545663 - Inclusion of foreign warehousing costs within price actually paid or payable for merchandise; 19 U.S.C. 1401a(b); Generra Sportswear; Chrysler Corporation
HQ 545664 - I.A. 32/94; marking duties; appraised value determined on liquidation; final appraised value; dutiable value; item 807 TSUS; subheading 9802.00.80, HTSUS; 19 U.S.C. 1503.
HQ 545666 - Ruling request on behalf of B.Z. Apparel Group, Ltd.
HQ 545669 - Internal advice request 33/94; related parties; transfer pricing; circumstances of sale; all costs plus profit
HQ 545676 - NAFTA advance ruling; article 509; regional value content; accumulation; material used in the production of a material; net cost incurred by the producer of a material
HQ 545693 - Looseleaf binders; regional value content; net cost method; NAFTA
HQ 545705 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1401-94- 100129; Proper Transaction Value; Sale for Exportation
HQ 545709 - Appraisement of crystal glassware; Bona Fide Sale; Sale for Exportation; Nissho Iwai; Dorf International; J.L. Wood
HQ 545714 - Proper transaction value of merchandise; Sale for exportation; 19 U.S.C. 1401a(b)
HQ 545716 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 5501-94- 100083; Price Actually Paid or Payable; Obsolete Merchandise; 19 USC 1401a(b)