United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1995 HQ Rulings
> HQ 545199 - HQ 545494
HQ 545199 - Inclusion of capital improvement costs in the computed value of assembled merchandise
HQ 545201 - Internal Advice Concerning Deduction of Freight Costs from Appraised Value
HQ 545224 - Internal Advice 86/92; U.S. origin packing; appraised value; dutiable value; C.S.D. 89-26; HRL 544294; HRL 544667
HQ 545239 - Price actually paid or payable; dutiability of delivery fee; invoicing; T.D. 86-56
HQ 545253 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2809-92-101859; Proper Transaction Value of Imported Merchandise; Dutiability of Commissions
HQ 545254 - Request for Reconsideration of IA 3/91 (HRL 544714); sale for exportation; clearly destined for the United States
HQ 545255 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2809-92-101856; Proper Transaction Value of Imported Merchandise; Dutiability of Commissions
HQ 545256 - Internal Advice Request 14/93; assists; design and development; tools, dies, and molds; HRL 542324
HQ 545263 - Discrepancies between visaed and commercial invoices; T.D. 86-56.
HQ 545264 - AFR of Protest No. 3801-2-101415; classification; valuation; parts of a friction roller conveyor system; rate advance; value advance; Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., v. United States; C.S.D. 83-39; dutiability of foreign assembly, testing and dismantling charges included in the price actually paid or payable
HQ 545271 - Sale for exportation; price actually paid or payable; three-tiered distribution system; Nissho Iwai; warm-up suits
HQ 545279 - Internal Advice Request; assists; royalty payments as cost or value of assists;
HQ 545289 - Protest No. 2304-93-100051; formula for determining the price actually paid or payable; post-importation rebate
HQ 545304 - Transaction value; customs duties and other Federal taxes; 19 U.S.C. ? 1401a(b)(3); antidumping duties included in a c.i.f. duty-paid price; HRL 543963 cited
HQ 545307 - Royalties; proceeds; additions to the price actually paid or payable; transaction value; pharmaceutical product manufactured under license; C.S.D. 92-12; HRL 545114
HQ 545308 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-2-104390; transaction value of identical or similar merchandise
HQ 545313 - Internal Advice 66/91; jet aircraft engines; components; transaction value inapplicable; 19 U.S.C. ? 1401a(f); HRL 544845
HQ 545319 - Application for Further Review of Protest Number 4909-93- 100026; credit for overpayment for defective merchandise; undeclared assists
HQ 545320 - Internal advice; dutiability of research and engineering charges
HQ 545336 - Internal advice; industrial pumps; mold patterns; assists; tools, dies and molds; engineering and design work; TAA No. 54
HQ 545349 - Internal Advice 39/93; Freight Rebates; Transportation Costs; Price Actually Paid or Payable; Generra Sportswear; HRLs 544538, 542975, 543799
HQ 545370 - Dutiability of Certain Royalty Payments.
HQ 545376 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3701-93-100085; Dutiability of Selling Commission
HQ 545377 - Application for Further Review of Protest Number 0401-92-100792 concerning a sale for exportation of merchandise imported pursuant to a three tiered sales agreement; related parties
HQ 545387 - Application for further review of Protest No. 4909-93-100029; commissions; price actually paid or payable; royalties; proceeds
HQ 545388 - Application for Further Review of Protest 1001-92-106852; formula; royalties; retroactive reduction in royalties
HQ 545395 - Application For Further Review of Protest No. 1001-92- 106060 concerning the Appraisement of Men's Leather Shoes and Request for a Duty Refund.
HQ 545416 - T.D. 86-56; visaed invoice; price actually paid or payable; 19 U.S.C. ? 1484(a); trade statistics
HQ 545417 - Internal advice request concerning whether Headquarters Ruling Letter 544525 is applicable for offsetting the overpayment of duties paid on mold charges used for international shipments after the entries have been liquidated and the protest period has expired.
HQ 545421 - Proposed Buying Agency Agreement
HQ 545422 - Dutiability of commissions to be paid pursuant to a buying agency agreement; international shipping costs
HQ 545434 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 0712-93- 100379 Concerning Dutiability of Transportation Charges; Country of Exportation; Sale For Exportation; Transaction Value; Other Methods of Appraisement.
HQ 545447 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3004-93- 100116 Concerning Imported Silk Clothing; Sale for Exportation; Price Actually Paid or Payable; Transaction Value; Other Methods of Appraisement.
HQ 545462 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3801-93-102724; Dutiability of Design Costs
HQ 545477 - Internal Advice Request 52/93; canned, peeled tomatoes from Italy; transaction value inapplicable because imported merchandise was subject to a condition or consideration for which a value cannot be determined; deductive value
HQ 545481 - Transaction value inapplicable; deductive value; unit price at which merchandise is sold to unrelated persons at the first commercial level after importation; related persons; 19 U.S.C. ? 1401a(g); meaning of the term "control;" Transfer Pricing Notice; Customs Valuation Code
HQ 545486 - Dutiability of royalty payments for use of trademark
HQ 545487 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2304-93-100290; determination of price actually paid or payable
HQ 545490 - Inclusion of "finishing" costs within price actually paid or payable for merchandise; 19 U.S.C. 1401a(b)
HQ 545494 - Transaction value; price actually paid or payable; freight