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1995 HQ Rulings
> HQ 957248 - HQ 957314
HQ 957248 - Internal Advice Request 59/94 concerning the classification of a decorative tassel; Heading 5808; Heading 9505
HQ 957249 - Country of origin determination for men's shorts, and boys' shorts, pants, overalls and shortall; 19 CFR 12.130(b),(d),(e); cutting constitutes substantial transformation
HQ 957250 - Country of origin of boxer shorts; Section 12.130, Customs Regulations
HQ 957253 - PRD 2304-94-100224; Turntable Bearings, Ball Bearings For Reducing Radial and Axial Friction; Parts of Ball Bearings, Inner and Outer Rings for Ball Bearings; Parts of Machinery, Subheading 8431.39.00; Section XVI, Note 2; NY 891034
HQ 957255 - Classification of women's upper body garment; Heading 6206; Heading 6211
HQ 957256 - Classification of women's garment; Heading 6206; Heading 6211
HQ 957257 - Country of Origin determination for knit garments; fabric knit, dyed and cut in Singapore; simple assembly in Indonesia; 19 CFR 12.130(b),(d),(e); cutting constitutes substantial transformation
HQ 957260 - Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 897341 Concerning a Plastic Child Safety Gate
HQ 957261 - Reconsideration of NYRL 899959; "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Sound Effect Gloves;" Gloves Excluded by Chapter Note 1(u) from Chapter 95
HQ 957266 - Protest 1101-94-100591; floor and wall tile; other artificial stone tile; 6810.19.12; other agglomerated marble tile; laboratory report; HRL 954912; Customs Telex 5034181; Telex 5037181
HQ 957267 - Protest 1101-94-100601; Industrial glassware; Laboratory glassware; EN 70.17; Nippon Kogasku (USA) Inc. v. United States, C.J. Tower & Sons v. United States; HRLs 955424, 955015, 951094, 086214, 087359.
HQ 957268 - Country of Origin of Hats, Gloves and Mittens
HQ 957269 - Protest 0901-94-100087; Tanco Autowrap machine; other packing or wrapping machinery; EN 84.22; 8433.30.00; other haymaking machinery; Note 2, Chapter 84; agricultural or horticultural machinery, equipment and implements; HRL 083930; three part test; 19 CFR 10.131-10.139; NY 889374 and NY 893045
HQ 957270 - Unmounted ball bearings; ball bearings and bearing housings imported in the same shipment; housed bearings entered unassembled, subheading 8483.20.80; GRI 2(a), Explanatory Notes; parts of housed bearings, HQ 952850
HQ 957272 - Request for Further Review of Protest 0901-94-101261, Dated August 5, 1994, Concerning Plastic Storage Containers
HQ 957273 - Country of origin determination for ladies' lined jacket; 19 CFR 12.130(e)(1)(v); assembly constitutes substantial transformation
HQ 957274 - Country of Origin and Classification of Greige Cotton Fabric
HQ 957276 - Classification of leather zipper diary covers; imported without paper inserts; portfolios; organizers; day planners; diaries; headings 4205 and 4202, HTSUSA; executive planners; briefcases; attache cases; GRI 3(a); HRL's 956430 (8/3/94); 950325 (12/27/91); 955516 (4/8/94).
HQ 957277 - Modification of DD 800498 of August 24, 1994; Classification of embroidered fabric in the piece; 5810.92.10, HTSUSA, v. 5810.92.90; HTSUSA
HQ 957279 - Classification of woven dresses; not "Pakistan Items" exempt from quota; U.S./Pakistan bilateral textile agreement
HQ 957281 - Silver plated demitasse sets; GRI 2 (a), 3(a), 3(b); En
HQ 957282 - Protest 1001-93-108496; Footwear, women's; Weight breakdown; Samples; Periodic testing; Customs Directive 099 3820 002 concerning laboratory reports; HRL 083879
HQ 957284 - Spectrometer Subassemblies; Explanatory Notes 90.27(5) and 3(b)(VIII); Unfinished Spectrometers; GRI 2(a); Daisy-Heddon, Div. Victor Comptometer Cor. v. U.S.; 9027.90.55
HQ 957286 - Body housing, cover plate, plug, shaft, impeller, propeller, and bearing plate; housing cover thrust washer; locking rotor washer; oil pump parts; EN 73.13; spring washers and other lock washers;
HQ 957287 - Notebook Computers with CPU chip and Non-operational Flash BIOS chip and without keyboard and hard drive; Legal Note 5(A)(a) to Chapter 84; HQs 957524, 957178, 951443, 950762, 950221, 953043
HQ 957288 - Oven to table bakeware; PC 895587; GRIs 1, 2, 3; ENs 3(b) (IX), 3(b)(X), 3(b)(VIII)
HQ 957290 - Thermoplastic Shells for Swimspas
HQ 957292 - PRD 3501-94-100291; Cast Iron Slats, Panels Used in Sow Confinement System; Cast Iron Flooring for Hog Farrowing Crate; Agricultural Implements; Heading 7325, Articles of Cast Iron; NY 889368, HQ 952143, HQ 955597
HQ 957293 - Carbon Doped Gallium Arsenide Wafers
HQ 957294 - Classification of 100 percent cotton terry bath towel and washcloth; 6302.60.0020 and 6302.60.0030, HTSUSA; EN to heading 5802, HTSUSA; one-side is of velour (sheared pile); terry toweling.
HQ 957295 - Classification of a man's knit/woven garment: Memorandum 084118; essential character; heading 6211, HTSUSA, other garment
HQ 957296 - Classification of 100 percent cotton terry beach towel; 6302.60.0020, HTSUSA; EN to heading 5802, HTSUSA; one-side is of velour (sheared pile); terry toweling
HQ 957301 - Revocation of NY 882589; Plastic Pipettes; Explanatory Note 84.79; Mechanical Appliances; Chapter 39, Note 2(o); 3926.90.95
HQ 957302 - Revocation of NY 874506; Plastic Microdosers or Micropipettes; Explanatory Note 84.79; Mechanical Appliances; Chapter 39, Note 2(o); 3926.90.95
HQ 957305 - Classification of Upper Body Garment; shirt vs. jacket; Textile Category Guidelines, CIE 13/88
HQ 957306 - Classification of women's garment; Heading 6206; Heading 6211
HQ 957308 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 5501-94-100177; classification of engagement books; organizers; day/week planners; agendas; dairies; not "similar to" diaries; 4820.10.2010, HTSUSA; Fred Baumgarten v. United States, 49 Cust. Ct. 275, Abs. 67150 (1962); Brooks Bros. v. United States, 68 Cust. Ct. 91, C.D. 4342 (1972); Charles Scribner's Sons v. United States, 574 F. Supp. 1058; 6 C.I.T. 168 (1983). HRL's 089960 (2/10/92); 952691
HQ 957309 - Country of Origin determination for wedding dress; spinning of fibers into yarn, dyeing, cutting and assembly in country A; 19 CFR 12.130(b),(d),(e); sewing constitutes substantial transformation
HQ 957310 - HRL 956915 revoked; alabaster lamp parts; 7116.20.20; semi-precious; Note 1(a), Chapter 71; General EN 3 to Section XIV; EN Annex to Section XIV; EN 71.16; 6802.91.30; alabaster worked monumental or building stone and articles thereof; EN 68.02; Note 1(k), Chapter 68; other parts of lamps and lighting fittings, not elsewhere specified or included; EN 94.05; Note 1(c), Chapter 94
HQ 957314 - Classification of table rounds and sheet sets; Heading 6302; Heading 6304; Section 12.130, Customs Regulations