United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1994 NY Rulings
> NY 897893 - NY 898310
NY 897893 - The tariff classification of BMV-51 from Japan.
NY 897906 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of broom twine from Korea and Mexico.
NY 897911 - The tariff classification of a stamp design kit from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China
NY 897940 - The tariff classification of magneto optical disks, laser toner cartridges, and ribbons for printers from France, Holland, Canada, or Israel.
NY 897945 - The tariff classification of a portable play yard from China.
NY 897982 - The tariff classification of a knife set from Taiwan
NY 897991 - The tariff classification of a laser printer imported without the controller from Japan.
NY 897992 - Request for a binding ruling on an exemption of country of origin marking for certain "Adapter-Wells" from Italy or Belgium.
NY 898010 - The tariff classification of rocker cam castings as parts of liquid pumps from South Korea
NY 898018 - The tariff classification of a wallhanging from China.
NY 898022 - The tariff classification of an illuminating pen from China
NY 898041 - The tariff classification of Olibanum Gum from Somalia
NY 898044 - The tariff classification of "Lip Prints" from Costa Rica
NY 898045 - The tariff classification of a cedar box containing port wine from Portugal and three cigars from the Dominican Republic.
NY 898049 - The tariff classification of "Capstape" from Germany.
NY 898059 - The tariff classification of a woman's woven blouse from Korea
NY 898067 - The tariff classification of a bone china stick pin and bone china brooches from the United Kingdom.
NY 898069 - The tariff classification of Methyl Methacrylate from Spain.
NY 898118 - The tariff classification of alumina substrates from Germany and the United Kingdom
NY 898158 - The tariff classification of a rotary indexing drive from England
NY 898159 - The tariff classification of small machine tools from England.
NY 898172 - The country of origin marking requirements for saw blades from Taiwan and Japan.
NY 898177 - The tariff classification of Shoe Sachets from China
NY 898196 - The tariff classification of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ribbon and acrylic flocked polyethylene ribbon from Hong Kong.
NY 898201 - The tariff classification of a director's chair from Taiwan, China and Hong Kong.
NY 898207 - The tariff classification of four knit pile fabrics from Turkey, Peru and Brazil.
NY 898212 - The country of origin marking of polypropylene adhesive tape from Taiwan.
NY 898213 - The tariff classification of whole sheep's milk from Canada.
NY 898221 - The tariff classification of various ADP printers and accessories from the Republic of Korea
NY 898224 - The tariff classification of computer expansion boards, cabinets for processor units, cables, and software from Germany.
NY 898225 - The tariff classification of three types of oil in soft gel capsules from Korea.
NY 898226 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking requirements of a key fob from Korea.
NY 898247 - The tariff classification of a woman's jacket from China
NY 898248 - The tariff classification of a woman's jacket from Hong Kong
NY 898250 - The tariff classification of a tray from China
NY 898260 - The tariff classification of plastic hangers from Hong Kong imported with garments from Hong Kong, Korea and Sri Lanka.
NY 898305 - The tariff classification of a serpentine rolling pin with wooden stand from Taiwan.
NY 898307 - The tariff classification of a serpentine Lazy Susan from Taiwan.
NY 898308 - The tariff classification of a serpentine coaster set from Taiwan.
NY 898310 - The tariff classification of a serpentine cheeseboard with slicer from Taiwan.