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1993 HQ Rulings
> HQ 0953540 - HQ 0953763
HQ 0953540 - Revocation of Headquarters Ruling Letter (HRL) 087760; classification of jewelry presentation cases; jewelry boxes
HQ 0953558 - Classification of wash and polishing mitts; floorcloths, dishcloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths; polishing cloths.
HQ 0953559 - Trail Grooming Vehicle; Special Purpose Motor Vehicle; Explanatory Note 84.29(B); 8429.59.50
HQ 0953566 - Country of origin of fitted and flat sheets, and pillowcases; Section 12.130, Customs Regulations
HQ 0953583 - Application for further review of Protest No. 5501-92- 100416 under 19 U.S.C., section 1514(c)(2); classification of an insulated cooler of plastic sheeting.
HQ 0953584 - Unassembled picnic cooler. GRI 2(a); unfinished; container
HQ 0953591 - women's dorm shirts; not pullovers; nightdresses, subheading 6108.31.0010, HTSUSA.
HQ 0953604 - Religious Medal Containing Drop of Lourdes Water; Tube Containing Religious Figurine and Lourdes Water;
HQ 0953611 - Classification of women's knitted wool cardigan sweater; 6110.10.2030, HTSUSA.
HQ 0953612 - Classification of women's knit jacket; 6102.20.0010, HTSUSA; not a cardigan because possesses several jacket features.
HQ 0953613 - Modification of Headquarters Ruling Letter (HRL) 950296, dated December 12, 1991, Concerning Gaultheria Procumbens, a Live Plant (Wintergreen) Grown Outside In Plastic Pots Containing a Mixture of Peat, Bark, Sand, Fertilizer and Lime
HQ 0953614 - "Chemrec Gasifier"; Water Gas Generator; Explanatory Note 84.05
HQ 0953619 - Grill Express; electric grill; electric oven; EN 85.16; sets put up for retail sale; GRI 3(b); essential character; ENs VIII and X to GRI 3(b)
HQ 0953622 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2704-93-100292, filed January 26, 1993, concerning the classification of an article identified as "Squeeze Tiger Plush."
HQ 0953628 - Request for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-92-104121, dated June 23, 1992, concerning the classification of women's upper and lower body garments
HQ 0953629 - Classification of gloves; not practicable for use as ski gloves because knit fourchettes and cuffs allow moisture to enter the glove; Stonewall Trading Company v. United States, 64 Cust. Ct. 482, C.D. 4023 (1970); subheading 6216.00.3225, HTSUSA; HRL 951294 (8/28/92).
HQ 0953630 - Country of origin determination for flat sheets; Section 12.130 of the Customs Regulations (19 CFR 12.130); bleaching, cutting and hemming do not constitute a substantial manufacturing operation; no substantial transformation in Taiwan; country of origin is the Philippines.
HQ 0953638 - Country of Origin determination for a men's acrylic shirt; substantial transformation where assembly occurs; sub- assembly of minor parts in Country A does not confer country of origin
HQ 0953639 - Country of Origin determination for a men's western shirt; substantial transformation where assembly occurs; sub- assembly of minor parts in Country A does not confer country of origin
HQ 0953640 - Country of Origin determination for a men's dress shirt; substantial transformation where assembly occurs; sub- assembly of minor parts in Country A does not confer country of origin
HQ 0953641 - Country of Origin determination for a men's sports shirt; substantial transformation where assembly occurs; sub- assembly of minor parts in Country A does not confer country of origin
HQ 0953648 - 143-piece tool kit; GRI 1 set; heading 8204; heading 8205; subheading 8204.20.00; EN 82.06; GRI 3(b)
HQ 0953650 - Wax Columns and Decorated Wax Candle
HQ 0953664 - Transfer and Jewel Kits for the Decoration of Garments
HQ 0953670 - Transaxle; engine; transmission; clutch; Workman 3000 Series Vehicles; heading 8704; HRL 082797; EN 84.07; EN 84.08
HQ 0953672 - Match-a-Patch hole and tear mender; electro-thermic device; circular and rectangular cut fabric patches; sets put up for retail sale; GRI 3(b); essential character; ENs VIII and X to GRI 3(b); Section XI, Note 7; Chapter 59, Note 2(a); Heading 5903; HQ's 082644, 089568, 950472; Chapter 55, Statistical Note 1(b) and 1(c)
HQ 0953688 - Classification of jewelry boxes used in the retail sale of jewelry; plastic jewelry boxes covered with paper; suitable for long term use
HQ 0953691 - Modification of PC 881036; woman's sweater vest composed of 55% ramie and 45% cotton; heading 6110; statistical note 3 to Chapter 61; stitch count of less than nine stitches per two centimeters measured in the horizontal direction
HQ 0953693 - Modification of Pre-Entry Classification Rulings 860632 and 835839; Santa Claus figures in heading 9505, HTSUSA; Festive articles; Not 9502, Dolls; HRL's 952520, 952834
HQ 0953696 - Application for further review of Protest No. 3801-2- XXXXXX under 19 U.S.C., section 1514(c)(2); classification of molded plastic tool boxes and a molded plastic fishing tackle box; specially shaped or internally fitted requirement applicable to tool boxes after July 1, 1992.
HQ 0953697 - Country of origin of men's shirts
HQ 0953698 - Country of origin of ladies' shorts, pants and skirt; weaving of fabric, cutting and manufacture of trim performed in Taiwan; simple assembly in second country; 19 CFR 12.130(b)(d)(e); cutting constitutes substantial transformation.
HQ 0953702 - Disposable panties made of nonwoven man-made material; Legal Note 5 to Chapter 62; headings 5603, 6208 and 6210; Explanatory Notes to heading 6210; HRL 953305
HQ 0953704 - Request for Internal Advice No. 2/93; ladies' knit glove; partially covered or coated fabrics which bear designs precluded from classification as coated fabrics; subheading 6116.93.8800, HTSUSA
HQ 0953707 - Country of origin of flat bed sheet with an attached ruffle; Section 12.130, Customs Regulations
HQ 0953708 - Classification of girls' knit top: 6110.20.2075; sweaters, pullovers and similar articles; classification of girls' knit pants; 6104.62.2025; trousers; country of origin; 19 CFR 12.130(b)(d)(e); substantial transformation occurs in country where substantial manufacturing processes take place and where a new and different article of commerce is created.
HQ 0953747 - Sailboard mast carrying bag; heading 4202; Additional U.S. Note 1 to Chapter 42; travel, sports and similar bags; Legal Note 1(d) to Chapter 95; Explanatory Notes to heading 4202; HRL 086896; GRI 5(a)
HQ 0953750 - Country of origin of fitted sheets and pillowcases; Section 12.130, Customs Regulations; Classification of fitted sheets and pillowcases; Heading 6303, HTSUSA
HQ 0953756 - Classification of a cushion
HQ 0953763 - Connecting Rods; engine parts; HQ 951286; EN 72.07(B)