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1993 HQ Rulings
> HQ 0953314 - HQ 0953539
HQ 0953314 - Electronic Time Switches; Logic Modules; Switch Blocks; Explanatory Note 91.07; GRI 2(a); Explanatory Note 2(a)(V) and (VII); Complete and Unassembled; Simple Assembly; HQ 088891; 951508
HQ 0953332 - Revocation of NY 852182; Pressure Vessel Assembly; HQ 952439; 8419.89.50
HQ 0953335 - Decision on Applications for Further Review of Protest Nos. 2704-84-001053 and 2704-84-003489, filed on March 20, 1984, and in September 1984, respectively, concerning the classification of "Masters of the Universe" figures identified as "Faker" and "Man- E-Faces," respectively.
HQ 0953341 - Classification of upper and lower body garments; track suit; braiding; gemstones; studs; separates; Additional U.S. Note 2, Chapter 62, HTSUSA; Heading 6211; Heading 6202; Heading 6204
HQ 0953342 - Classification of stretchable shoe lace-like articles with a rubber thread core and a polyester covering
HQ 0953343 - Modification of HRL 085549, dated November 21, 1989
HQ 0953344 - Revocation of NYRL 858725; classification of wood fiberboard moldings, surface covered and edge covered; HRL 952325; subheading 4411.29.9000, HTSUSA
HQ 0953349 - Request for reconsideration of Protest No. 1303-92-100322 and Protest No. 1303-92-100306; "dormshirts"; San Francisco Newspaper Printing Co.
HQ 0953362 - Detrimental Reliance on DD 877853, dated September 25, 1992; original classification of ladies' hooded pullover garment in heading 6202, HTSUSA; reclassification in heading 6211, HTSUSA; effective date of HQ 953251, which revokes DD 877853, delayed; 19 CFR 177.9(d)(3)
HQ 0953365 - Protest No. 2704-93-100147; Gear Motor; Explanatory Note 85.01(1)(A); HQ 952500; 8432.80.00
HQ 0953369 - Revocation of NY 870564; D2-MAC/PAL Satellite Receiver; Integrated Receiver/Decoder; Explanatory Note 85.28; HQ 088255; Section XVI, Note 3; Section XVI, Note 2(a); 8528.10.80
HQ 0953370 - Modification of HQ 088498; Satellite Receiver Tuner; Satellite Receiver; HQ 953369; 8528.10.80
HQ 0953374 - Glass Lids or Closures for Pots and Pans; 7010.90.20; ejusdem generis; eo nomine; GRI 2(a); HQ 951721; HQ 088020; HQ 087779; NY 875195, affirmed
HQ 0953375 - Decorative art video tape cassette; GRI 1; EN 85.24
HQ 0953381 - Printed Circuit Board assembly; mounted piezoelectric crystals; parts of motors; EN 85.41
HQ 0953383 - "Audioman"; Automatic Data Processing Unit; Supporting Software; Combined Microphone/Speaker Set; Heading 8518; Explanatory Note 85.18; Chapter 84, Note 5(B);
HQ 0953390 - Classification of women's man-made fiber knit undershirts; heading 6109, HTSUSA; category 659; your ref. HK147/92 & HK174/92
HQ 0953397 - Country of origin of diapers.
HQ 0953399 - Classification of a woven nylon fabric box awning for recreational vehicles
HQ 0953401 - HRL 952998 affirmed; Laboratory Incubator; NY 874139 revoked; HRL 952810; 8514.30.00; EN 85.14; EN 84.19;
HQ 0953407 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1803-93-10001; classification of "coated fabric"; visible to the naked eye prerequisite of Chapter Note 2(a)(1) to Chapter 59; subheading 5407.44.0030, HTSUSA.
HQ 0953408 - HRL 951912 affirmed; Men's cotton flannel boxer shorts; underwear; sleepwear.
HQ 0953413 - Modification of HRL 951736 (9/17/92); classification of diaries; day planners; organizers; address books; heading 4820, HTSUSA; Charles Scribner's Sons v. United States, Slip Op. 83-98; HRL 089960 (2/10/92); articles similar to diaries.
HQ 0953416 - Application for further review of protest no. 3307-93- 100006; classification of textile covered jewelry boxes used in retail sale of jewelry; jewelry box; suitable for long term use; HRL 951028
HQ 0953419 - Classification of a wash mitt; floorcloths, dishcloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths.
HQ 0953427 - Red Santa Candleholder Smoker, Santa with Sack Nutcracker, and Wood Nested Santa; Festive Articles
HQ 0953431 - Clamp lamp; electrical lighting fixture; GRI 3(b); EN Rule 3(b); HRL's 951126, 089000, and 086628.
HQ 0953449 - Modification of HRL 086355 (5/16/90); 4203.21.8060; classification of leather and man-made fiber glove; not batting glove; not drummer's glove; leather palm, synthetic mesh covering for back of hand, velcro-like closure indicative of special design for use in sports; Subheading EN to heading 4203.
HQ 0953461 - Aircraft Audio Controller; Aircraft Tactical Control Heads; Radio Interface; Control Panels; EN 85.37; EN 85.25; Civil Aircraft Agreement ("CAA")
HQ 0953470 - "Light-Up Dream House;" "Batter-Up"
HQ 0953474 - Le Batre Fountain Water Clock; EN 91.05
HQ 0953482 - Reconsideration of NY 881419; letter openers; 8205.59.60
HQ 0953483 - Footwear; "Perfecto" style espadrilles; Notes 3 and 4(b) to Chapter 64
HQ 0953489 - Country of origin determination; 19 CFR 12.130; simple assembly is not a substantial manufacturing operation and does not constitute substantial transformation; country of origin is where fabric is cut.
HQ 0953495 - Statuettes clad with precious metal; EN 83.06(B); 9703; EN 97.03
HQ 0953507 - Decorated Christmas trees, wreaths, and garlands; Subheading 9505.10.40, Festive articles, Articles for Christmas festivities, Of plastics; HRL 950999.
HQ 0953536 - Modification of NYRL 858509; "Musical Radio;" Not Music Box
HQ 0953537 - "Looks Good Cosmetics Caddy"
HQ 0953538 - Revocation of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 835717; classification of jewelry presentation cases; jewelry boxes
HQ 0953539 - Revocation of Headquarters Ruling Letter (HRL) 950025; classification of jewelry presentation cases; jewelry boxes