United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1993 HQ Rulings
> HQ 0952998 - HQ 0953141
HQ 0952998 - Revocation of NY 874139; Laboratory Incubator; HQ 952810; 8514.30.00
HQ 0953001 - Classification of a two-piece ladies' garment; sleepwear v. outerwear; heading 6108, HTSUSA; classification based on physical examination of the garment and extrinsic evidence of marketing, advertising and industry treatment; HRL 951776 (10/1/92); Mast Industries v. U.S., 9 CIT 549 (1985), aff'd, 786 F. 2d 1144 (1986).
HQ 0953002 - Classification of a women's tank top style garment; outerwear v. underwear; small differences are significant; subheading 6109.10.0060, HTSUSA
HQ 0953003 - Classification of a pillow shell and a cushion cover; pillow shell is classifiable in Heading 6307; cushion cover is classifiable in Heading 6304
HQ 0953004 - Classification of a pillow shell and a cushion cover; pillow shell is classifiable in Heading 6307; cushion cover is classifiable in Heading 6304
HQ 0953005 - Men's woven cotton flannel boxer shorts; subheading 6207.11.0000, HTSUSA, men's underpants and briefs, as opposed to shorts or sleepwear
HQ 0953006 - Classification of women's upper and lower body garments; track suit; piping; oversized pockets; shoulder pads; separates; Additional U.S. Note 2, Chapter 62, HTSUSA; Heading 6202; Heading 6204
HQ 0953010 - Classification of women's hooded pullover; jacket v. shirt; proper classification, shirt, subheading 6211.42.0050, HTSUSA
HQ 0953011 - Decision on application for further review of protest no. 3001-92-100663; classification of "oilskin" rain garments; oilcloth; plastic-coated fabric; impregnated fabric; Note 5 to Ch. 59; plastic coating must be "visible to the naked eye"; not classifiable under heading 6210, HTSUSA; heading 6202 and 6211, HTSUSA.
HQ 0953012 - Canterra Electronics International, Inc.; Fluorescent Lamp Ballast; Electrical Static Converter; Alternating Current Converter
HQ 0953015 - "Multi-Use Hand Tool"; 8203.20.60; GRI 1; Knives, other than fixed blade; Knife, retractable blade
HQ 0953018 - Other made up articles of heading 6307; "Cathedral Square" fabric pieces; Legal Note 7 to Section XI; Explanatory Notes to heading 6307; assembly by sewing; subheading 9802.00.80; 19 CFR 10.24; 19 CFR 10.16; 19 CFR 12.130; 19 CFR 10.22; 19 U.S.C. 1304; country of origin marking
HQ 0953032 - Modification of NYRL 850002; Plastic Water Globes from China and Taiwan; Not Household Articles of Plastics
HQ 0953033 - Modification of NYRLs 850497 and 850498; Plastic Water Globes from China; Not Household Articles of Plastics
HQ 0953036 - Internal Advice Request 69/92 Regarding the Classification of Black Spruce Seedlings in a Planting Medium of Peat Moss, Vermiculite and Silica Sand
HQ 0953040 - Revocation of HRL 951812 of August 5, 1992; classification of style 110166, men's shorts, as swimwear--revoked
HQ 0953045 - Request for Internal Advice No. 57/92. Classification of leather kip/calf sides from Argentina. Countervailing; duty
HQ 0953049 - Reconsideration of New York Preclassification Rulings (PCs) 852370 (Eleven dolls), and 861714 (Fourteen dolls); Classification of Item No. VIC-6405, "Jolly" doll
HQ 0953051 - Internal Advice Request No. 76/92; Pleated, fabric garland; Heading 5806, narrow woven fabrics; Not 9505, festive articles; HRL's 952833, 953062
HQ 0953056 - Application for further review of Protest No. 1801-92- 100019 classification of textile filter material and woven wire mesh cloth; straining cloth; oil press; essential character; material lengths; HRL 950284 affirmed; Takashima; Chapter 59, note 7; technical use fabrics, products and articles.
HQ 0953062 - Five Garlands
HQ 0953064 - Quilt and pillow sham ensemble; heading 6304; heading 9404; Explanatory Notes to headings 6403 and 9404; GRI 3(b); EN (VIII) to GRI 3(b); EN (X) to GRI 3(b); set; essential character; GRI 6; HRLs 084873 and 951902; textile items in a set are subject to textile category numbers as if they were separately classified; Federal Register, Vol. 54, No. 163, August 24, 1989, p. 35223
HQ 0953067 - Application for further review of Protest No. 2904-92- 100189 under 19 U.S.C., section 1514(c)(2); classification of bungee cord; rubber; cordage, rope, cable; section XI, note 10.
HQ 0953068 - Classification of certain girls' rompers with ties; composite goods v. sets
HQ 0953075 - Stadium pack; Travel bag, Sports bag, Spectator bag; Travel bag cushion combination; Heading 4202.00.00, HTSUS, cushions; GRI 3
HQ 0953078 - Country of origin of diapers.
HQ 0953079 - Motor vehicle side panel steel blanks; GRI 2(a); unfinished articles; EN to Rule 2(a); blanks; EN 87.08; parts and accessories of motor vehicle bodies; General EN (III) PARTS AND ACCESSORIES; Note 1(k), Chapter 72; CFTA; General Note change in tariff classification
HQ 0953080 - Protest No. 1703-92-100107; Cermets; Tungsten Carbide/Iron; 8101; EN 81.01; EN 81.13; HQ 950929; HQ 951642; HQ 951643; Section XV, Note 6(a); waste, scrap; Consolidated Cork Corp. and Milton Snedeker Corp. v. U.S.
HQ 0953081 - Housed Bearings; Cartridge Pivot Assembly for Hard Disk Drive; EN 84.83; Section XVI, Note 2(a); NY 866193; NY 879575, modified
HQ 0953083 - Protest No.1703-92-100147; Pistons; Carburetor Assemblies; Tooth Blades; Section XVI, Note 1(k); Section XVI, Note 2; 8467.99.00
HQ 0953089 - Classification and country of origin of diapers.
HQ 0953094 - Protest No. 0712-92-101322; Showers; Shower Brackets; Paper Making; Chapter 84, Note 2; 8439.20.00
HQ 0953109 - Classification of garment as shirt or jacket; heading 6201 v. 6205; men's jacket v. men's shirt; garment having features of both a jacket and shirt classified as a shirt; presence of hood not determinative when there are several shirt features.
HQ 0953126 - Modification of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 864206 dated June 19, 1991
HQ 0953128 - Revocation of 083415 (5/18/89); partial modification of 081373 (10/17/88); wallet; flat goods; goods carried in the pocket or handbag; plastic sheeting; outer surface of reinforced or laminated plastics; HRL 950983 (6/15/92); HRL 950567 (3/2/92); HRL 950048 (3/2/92).
HQ 0953130 - Modification of 087210 (5/10/91); flat goods; goods carried in the pocket or handbag; plastic sheeting; outer surface of reinforced or laminated plastics; HRL 950983 (6/15/92); HRL 950567 (3/2/92); HRL 950048 (3/2/92).
HQ 0953136 - Caterpillar wheel type backhoe loaders; modification of PC 873017; 8429.52.10
HQ 0953138 - Reflective aluminum decorative covering; headings 7606, 7607, 3901, 8306; HQ 086405; chapter 76 note 1(d)
HQ 0953139 - "Car Comfort Back Support"; heading 8708; EN 63.07; EN 87.08; NY 878956; General Note (1) to Chapter 63
HQ 0953141 - Protest No. 2501-92-100033; Wiring Harness Assembly; Kores Manufacturing, Inc. v. U.S.; Chapter 95, Note 3; Additional U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(c); 8544.51.80