United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1993 HQ Rulings
> HQ 0952472 - HQ 0952547
HQ 0952472 - Modification of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 863065; "Strobie Ghost" article from China
HQ 0952473 - Modification of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 865012; "It's Alive" Action Wind Sock from Taiwan
HQ 0952474 - Modification of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 869894; "Sonic Control Ghost" article from Taiwan
HQ 0952478 - Polymer Blend II; medicaments; 2920; EN 30.03(2); HQ 083650; NY 845004 affirmed
HQ 0952479 - Revocation of HRL 087689; classification of a baby seat cushion; classifiable in Heading 9404
HQ 0952482 - Reconsideration of Headquarters Ruling Letter (HRL) 089969; a farmer talking doll
HQ 0952483 - Request for Guidance in the Classification of Buoyancy Articles
HQ 0952486 - Country of origin of flat and fitted bed sheets, and pillow cases.
HQ 0952487 - Compact disc storage unit; cases used for storing, protecting and transporting; Legal Note 2(h) to Chapter 39; heading 3923; heading 4202; Explanatory Notes to heading 4202; HRL 951218; HRL 951080; HRL 950397; NYRL 868933; HRL 085519; HRL 083441
HQ 0952491 - Classification of polypropylene cleaning articles; classifiable under Heading 6307; GRI 3(c); Note 7, Section XI
HQ 0952492 - Classification of pillow shells; Classifiable in Heading 6307
HQ 0952493 - IA 53/92; Wiring Harness Assemblies; HQ 951223; HQ 088477; Explanatory Note 85.44; Section XVII, Note 2(f); 8714.19.00
HQ 0952494 - AM/FM Torch Radio; GRI 3(c); HQ 087161
HQ 0952495 - IA 42/92; Wood Band Saw Steel Strip; Polishing; Grinding; Further Worked; 7226.92.70; 7226.92.80; 7226.99.00; PC 859260 Modified
HQ 0952497 - Fuel-Injector Bodies ("diesel"); 8409; 8481; EN 84.13; NY 866871
HQ 0952498 - Manicurist Sterilizer Jar; drinking glasses; sets for retail sale; GRI 3; ENs 3(b) and 3(b)(X); Headings 7010 and 3923; Additional U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(a); HQ 088123
HQ 0952499 - Chart Drive Assemblies; HQ 088743 (IA 11/91); HQ 950834; heading 8501; EN 85.01; heading 9025; heading 9026; NY 881722; Note 2 to chapter 90
HQ 0952500 - DC Motor, Gearbox, and Encoder Assembly; Explanatory Note 85.01(I)(A); HQ 950834; 8543.80.90
HQ 0952501 - I/A 44/90; Yorx Electronics Corporation; Combination Stereos Incorporating Dual Cassette Tape Players
HQ 0952502 - Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc.; Liquid Crystal Display; LCD; ADP Output Display; 8531; 8471; 9013; HQ 952246; HQ 951609; HQ 951288; HQ 952360; E.M. Chemicals v. United States
HQ 0952503 - Country of origin of sweaters from Korea, China and the Solomon Islands.
HQ 0952504 - Classification of cork sheets laminated to a fabric backing
HQ 0952505 - Thermal paper; revocation of NYRL 856418
HQ 0952506 - Thermal paper; revocation of NYRL 852795
HQ 0952507 - Thermal paper; revocation of NYRL 850204
HQ 0952508 - Thermal paper; fax paper; revocation of NYRL 839792
HQ 0952509 - Thermal paper; fax paper; revocation of NYRL 844081
HQ 0952511 - Tariff Classification of a Mixture of Cereals Prepared And Not Prepared By Swelling or Roasting; Reconsideration of NYRL 873226
HQ 0952512 - Ostrich egg shells in 9601, HTSUSA; Worked ivory, bone and other animal carving material, and articles of these materials; Not 9703 original sculptures and statuary; Not 9705 collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical interest
HQ 0952520 - Reconsideration of HRL's 086587, 083816; Old World Santa figure; Heading 9505, Festive article; Not 9502, Doll; HRL 088584
HQ 0952521 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3701-92- 100059, dated August 3, 1992, concerning manganic acetylacetonate; barium acetylacetonate hydrate; tripropyl orthoformate; ligands; chelates; coordination compounds; heading 2911; heading 2914; EN 29.15
HQ 0952522 - Classification of an Organic Fertilizer, "Plant Power 2003"
HQ 0952523 - Tariff Classification of Atactic Polypropylene
HQ 0952527 - Classification of a pillow shell; GRI 2(a); Headings 9404, 6304, and 6307.
HQ 0952528 - Request for reconsideration of DD 875484; women's chemise style garment; sleepwear or slip; proper classification, sleepwear; subheading 6208.22.0000, HTSUSA
HQ 0952531 - Country of origin of men's golf and polo shirts
HQ 0952532 - DD 852980 revoked. Self-folding collapsible umbrella and case which expands into tote bag with umbrella compartment are classifiable together pursuant to GRI 5(a). Container; specially; shaped; fitted
HQ 0952536 - Country of origin of t-shirts.
HQ 0952542 - Classification of buoyant life jackets; unfinished life jacket shell subheading 6307.90; subheading 6307.20; GRI 2(a); inflatable life jackets; foam filled life jackets; life preservers
HQ 0952547 - Metallized polyester film; Heading 3921, HTSUSA; Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics; Tariff preferences under CFTA; General Notes 3(c)(vii)(B) and