United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1992 HQ Rulings
> HQ 0089935 - HQ 0110265
HQ 0089935 - Thin Strip Casting Machine; casting unit; cooling section; shear; coiler; composite machine; Note 3, Section XVI; General EN 3, Section XVI; 087740; 086736; functional unit; Note 4, Section XVI
HQ 0089936 - HRL 089408; salmon pens; Heading 8907; Heading 9817; agricultural or horticultural machinery, equipment and implements; aquaculture
HQ 0089937 - Aerosol Therapy Device; GRI 1; EN 90.19; Note 2(b), Chapter 90; apparatus
HQ 0089938 - Reconsideration NY 863577; elastomer; Heading 8536; Heading 8537; Heading 8546; Heading 3926; Section XVI, note 2(a); Chapter 39, note 2(o).
HQ 0089940 - Sharp Electronics Corporation; "Video Presentation Scanner"; Television Camera; Model XG-50; Color Video Image Reproducer
HQ 0089941 - Recorded video cassettes; GRI 1; EN 85.24
HQ 0089944 - Filtering System for Molding Machine; Parts; GRI 1; machine; Note 5, Section XVI; EN 84.21; parts; Note 2(a), Section XVI; General EN (II) Parts, Section XVI
HQ 0089945 - Classification of two women's knit garments for the lower torso and legs; tights, 6115, v. trousers, 6104
HQ 0089947 - Classification of a woman's knit garment for the lower torso and legs; underwear v. outerwear; 6108, HTSUSA, v. 6104, HTSUSA
HQ 0089948 - Classification of 100 percent cotton knit garment for the lower torso and legs; tights v. pants; 6115, HTSUSA, v. 6104, HTSUSA
HQ 0089949 - Change purse, cigarette case, cosmetic case; classifiable heading 4202, HTSUSA
HQ 0089952 - Classification of knit garment for the lower torso and legs; Tights (6115) v. Trousers (6104); HK 114/91
HQ 0089953 - Classification of Dried Mushroom Extract
HQ 0089957 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2704-91-102533 on the classification of artificial flowers from Macau
HQ 0089958 - Classification of a Two-Piece Baby's Pajama Set
HQ 0089960 - Your reference BUX-002; Agenda / Address book; Diary; Notebook; Address book; Heading 4820; Planner; Organizer.
HQ 0089961 - Classification of 100% polyester needleloom felt laminated to PVC plastic; 3921.90.1100, HTSUSA; laminated felt; textile and plastic fabric with textile component less than 50 percent of total weight of article; textile and plastic fabric with plastic component over 70% of total weight
HQ 0089964 - Band, foxing-like; Footwear, unit-molded; simultaneous, direct molded bottoms: T.D. 83-116, 080760
HQ 0089965 - Classification of ladies' knit undergarment; undershirt; similar to singlet or vest of heading 6109, HTSUSA
HQ 0089967 - Coated fabric; visible to the naked eye; Note 2, Chapter 59.
HQ 0089968 - Classification of women's jacket; 6102, HTSUSA; garment not a cardigan
HQ 0089969 - Farmer Doll
HQ 0089970 - Reconsideration of HQ 088490; EN 83.01; Nightstick Autobar, KMS-005; Electronic Nightstick, KMS-009; 8708; 8512.30.00; Section XV, Note 2(c); Section XVII, Note 2(b); EN to GRI
HQ 0089971 - Fantasy role play games books are expansion modules are designed to enhance fantasy game play, not for passive reading. Books; printed matter.
HQ 0089978 - Classification and country of origin marking of a wood particle board box with decorative paper exterior and lining; 4420, HTSUSA; "washi" tea box; GRI 3(b) essential character imparted by wood; marking requirement not satisfied by unattached folded card insert; 134.41(b); permanence; T.D. 55673; C.S.D. 87-9; 733728; 734150
HQ 0089989 - TRS TRC Register Cap Assembly; Touch Button Sensor Assembly; ECR Register Remote Touch Pad Assembly; Electromechanical Counter Assembly; Generator Module; Generator Register; EN 85.04(III); EN 90.28(I); EN 90.29(A)
HQ 0089995 - Airplane Transport System; Works Trucks; Krauss-Maffei Verkehrstechnik GmbH
HQ 0089996 - Electronic Module; sound; light; GRI 1; 9503.90.60; EN Chapter 95; EN 95.03; part; Gallagher & Ascher Company; 8531.80.00; EN 85.31; 8519.99.00; EN 85.19; 088044; 086838; EN 85.43; EN 84.79; marking exception; 19 CFR 134.34; 9802.00.80
HQ 0089997 - Classification of women's knit garment for the lower torso and legs; tights, 6115, HTSUSA, v. trousers, 6104, HTSUSA
HQ 0089999 - Oversize garment similar to a T-shirt; not beach robe; pullover; classifiable heading 6110, HTSUSA
HQ 0109879 - Applicability of the coastwise trade laws to fish loading, processing, and transporting activities by foreign-flag United States built vessels, soon to be re-documented under United States law
HQ 0109908 - Duty liability under 19 U.S.C. 1466 and the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States for certain operations associated with foreign and domestic conversation of a vessel
HQ 0109940 - Applicability of the vessel documentation laws to a permanently moored non-self-propelled barge, owned by a municipal government
HQ 0110051 - The applicability of the coastwise trade passenger statute to hovercraft of greater and lesser than 5 net tons, operating at least in part on inland waters in the United States.
HQ 0110070 - Protest No. 27047-004009; Vessel Repair Entry No. C27- 0031105-6, dated January 4, 1987 ; Date of Arrival: January 4, 1987; Port of Arrival: Long Beach, Calif.; Vessel Name: SEALAND EXPLORER; Voyage No. 72
HQ 0110103 - Applicability of the third proviso of the coastwise merchandise statute to the movement of merchandise by rail and vessel from Texas, to a point on the outer continental shelf off Alaska.
HQ 0110160 - Applicability of the coastwise trade laws to the transportation of passengers between Seattle, Washington, and Vancouver or Victoria, Canada, on a non-coastwise qualified vessel.
HQ 0110226 - Use of a non-coastwise-qualified vessel for a diving platform for company-employed divers
HQ 0110260 - Entry and clearance requirements for a U.S. fishing vessel proceeding to Soviet ports and/or fishing grounds.
HQ 0110265 - Use of Canadian-registered barge as a stationary platform for cleaning oil-contaminated oil containment and cleaning equipment