United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1992 HQ Rulings
> HQ 0950677 - HQ 0950776
HQ 0950677 - Printing Plate Imaging and Developing Machine; Step-and-Repeat Machine
HQ 0950678 - "Emergency Road Pack"; GRI 3(b); EN 3(b)(X); HQ 950332
HQ 0950680 - Boots, Hiking; Footwear, protective; T.D. 92-32
HQ 0950681 - Shorts; swimwear; Hampco; design; construction; tag; draw- string; waistband; catalog; logo; advertising; volleyball; soccer
HQ 0950683 - Classification of paper sticks
HQ 0950685 - Classification of brassieres; EN to heading 6212 include all kinds of bras; garments intended to be worn as outerwear are not precluded from heading 6212; bras may be worn as outerwear; country of origin is Belgium where knitting, cutting and sewing takes place; 19 CFR 12.130; bead applique not substantial transformation
HQ 0950687 - Women's and girls' shorts and shortalls; trousers; pants; knee; bib and brace overalls
HQ 0950688 - Classification of a Women's Tank Top-Style Undershirt
HQ 0950689 - Classification of certain garments manufactured by G.J.M. (U.S.), Inc.; slips v. sleepwear; 6208.11.00, HTSUSA v. 6208.22.00, HTSUSA
HQ 0950690 - Classification of household felt products; classifiable in Heading 6307; CFTA
HQ 0950694 - Classification of unfinished printed globes; fabric globe; 4905, HTSUSA
HQ 0950697 - Zinc Sulfide doped with silver; HRL 950615
HQ 0950698 - Request for Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 865973; "Amazing Flying Witch" in heading 9502, HTSUSA; Dolls representing only human beings
HQ 0950699 - Silicone Rubber Tapes from Australia; Modification of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 842072, dated June 27, 1989
HQ 0950703 - Protest Number 3001-91-101059; Jewelry boxes; Wholly or mainly covered; Textile; specially designed or shaped; Suitable for long term use.
HQ 0950708 - Cotton tote bags; handbags; travel, sports and similar bags; Additional U.S. Note 1, Chapter 42; J.E. Mamiye & Sons v. United States; Adolco Trading Co. v. United States; HRL 086094 and HRL 086676 revoked; HRL 088562.
HQ 0950709 - Cotton tote bags; handbags; travel, sports and similar bags; Additional U.S. Note 1, Chapter 42; J.E. Mamiye & Sons v. United States; Adolco Trading Co. v. United States; HRL 086938 revoked; HRL 088562.
HQ 0950714 - Motor Vehicles; 19 CFR 177.2(b)(7); 8704; HQ 083081
HQ 0950715 - Porcelain sake servers; Reconsideration NYR 865512; GRI 1; 6911.10.41; decanter
HQ 0950716 - Travel Tune-Up Kit; GRI 3(b); EN 3(b)(X); GRI 3(c)
HQ 0950718 - Footwear, band; foxing or foxing-like; Substantial encirclement; T.D. 83-116
HQ 0950719 - Classification of spunlaced or bonded fabric; disposable surgical apparel; unisex top and pants; 6210, HTSUSA; must be disposable "gown" of man-made fibers intended for use during surgical procedures to be under heading 9902, HTSUSA
HQ 0950720 - Classification of 100% nonwoven polyester plant sleeves; Heading 6307
HQ 0950731 - Classification of a pair of men's cotton flannel boxer shorts
HQ 0950734 - Power transmission belting; leather; plastics; woven fabric; essential character; NYRL 858153 revoked.
HQ 0950738 - Classification of smocked fabric; embroidered fabric or parts of garments; 5810, HTSUSA, or 6217, HTSUSA; U.S. fabric smocked in Mexico or Ecuador; 9802, HTSUSA
HQ 0950739 - Titanium dioxide mixed with tungsten trioxide; inorganic chemical compounds; mixtures
HQ 0950740 - Cat food; Preparations used in animal feeding; Heading 2309
HQ 0950741 - Addition of some body supporting features to a teddy does not transform that underwear into a body supporting garment of heading 6210. Stays; cups; adjustable straps; spandex; bra
HQ 0950742 - Classification of certain handbags from the Philippines
HQ 0950743 - Classification of soybean oligosaccharides
HQ 0950751 - Knit scarf-tube; funnel; DD 857257 revoked.
HQ 0950752 - Hoopla Animal Packers; toy; backpack or knapsack, classifiable heading 4202, HTSUSA
HQ 0950755 - Classification of certain garments known as leggings; tights v. pants, 6115, HTSUSA v. 6104, HTSUSA
HQ 0950757 - "Kitty Greens" Pet Care Product; Set put up for retail sale; Barley Seeds in heading 1003, HTSUSA
HQ 0950758 - Modification of Headquarters Ruling Letter (HRL) 555415; "Mini-Court" Miniature Basketball Game; Heading 9506, HTSUSA, providing for articles and equipment for gymnastics, athletics, other sports (including table tennis) or outdoor games
HQ 0950769 - Reconsideration of NYRL 850438; cubic zirconia; subheading 7117.19.50; note 10 to chapter 71; explanatory note (A) to heading 7104; explanatory note (A) to heading 7116
HQ 0950773 - Modification of Headquarters Ruling Letter (HRL) 088799, dated November 20, 1991, Concerning Sweetened Cocoa Blended in Canada
HQ 0950774 - Poster product; flocked paper; pens
HQ 0950776 - Lotus Nut Paste; Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved in heading 2008, HTSUSA