United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1991 HQ Rulings
> HQ 0087335 - HQ 0087446
HQ 0087335 - Furnace Stirrer
HQ 0087339 - Labels; Clothing labels; Paper; man-made fiber; non-woven material; parts of clothing; American goods returned; Substantial transformation.
HQ 0087340 - Request for reconsideration; classification of boys' playsuit, DD 850765 modified
HQ 0087341 - Labels; Clothing labels; man-made fiber; coated non-woven material; coated woven material; coated textiles; parts of clothing; American goods returned; Substantial transformation.
HQ 0087343 - Duty; Country of Origin; Textiles; Sheets; Towels; T-shirts
HQ 0087345 - Classification of cushions; classifiable in Heading 9404; insufficient information to make country of origin determinations
HQ 0087346 - Country of origin of bedding; Canadian fabric and Chinese embroidered fabric transformed into bedding in Canada; country of origin for quota purposes is Canada
HQ 0087351 - Modification of NYRL 846981; Classification of surgical gowns from Mexico
HQ 0087352 - Modification of HRL 084801; abaca/baclad placemats
HQ 0087353 - Request for modification of Los Angeles District ruling DD850692; Woman's sweater; 50/50 wool and man-made fibers; man-made fibers.
HQ 0087358 - Baseball cards. Paper and paperboard. Other printed matter printed in whole or in part by a lithographic process. GRI
HQ 0087361 - Bestwood Smart Home System
HQ 0087362 - Keyboard for cellular mobile telephone; Section XVI, Note 2(b); Subheading 8525.20.60; Subheading 8529.90.50; Section XVI 2(a); Heading 8537; Explanatory Note 85.37; switchgear assemblies; switchboard; United States v. General Electric; United States v. Rembrandt Electronics; Kyocera International, Inc., v. United States; H. Rep. No. 100-576; Cellular Mobile Telephones and Subassemblies from Japan: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review (A-588-405).
HQ 0087368 - Dress up hat; request for reconsideration; HRL 085184 affirmed
HQ 0087376 - Modification of HRL 082673 dated May 12, 1989; Animated Display Figures
HQ 0087377 - Classification of "beerskins," bottle covers that keep beverages cold; not classifiable in Heading 6304; classifiable in Heading 6307
HQ 0087378 - Classification of certain men's jackets; Reconsideration of NYRL 848629 of February 8, 1990
HQ 0087379 - Classification of boxer shorts; modification of NYRL 842587, dated July 6, 1989
HQ 0087380 - Pompadour Herbal Teas
HQ 0087385 - NYRL 851608 Reconsidered and Affirmed; Fully Cooked Pastry Product from Canada
HQ 0087388 - Reconsideration of HRL 086644; polypropylene packing material coated with plastic; plastic not visible; not classifiable in Heading 5903; classifiable in Heading 5407
HQ 0087389 - Merger; Applicability of NY 827571 to Merging Company
HQ 0087391 - Modification of district ruling 852302 issued May 24, 1990; women's knit pullover of man-made fibers
HQ 0087396 - Internal Advice Request 42/90; Classification of electric toothbrushes; Composite Good; Electromechanical domestic appliances
HQ 0087404 - VHS modular component video system; Subheading 8521.10.00; Subheading 8525.30.00; Subheading 8528.10.80; General Rule of Interpretation 3; Explanatory Notes General Rule of Interpretation 3(b); composite good; General Rule of Interpretation 5(a); Explanatory Notes General Rule of Interpretation 5(a); specially shaped or fitted containers.
HQ 0087405 - Classification of a baseball-style cap; classifiable in Heading 6505; no component provides essential character; GRI 3(c) applicable
HQ 0087406 - Copper Tubes; Pipes; Hollow Profiles; Rifled; Ridged; Grooved; Threaded; Finned; Gilled; Enhanced; Heat Transfer
HQ 0087407 - Ion Mass Spectrometer. Secondary ion mass spectrometry; heading 9027; Explanatory Note (6) 90.27; Mass spectroscope; Mass spectrograph; Mass spectrometry; Ion microscope; Ion microprobe; Heading 9030; General Rule of Interpretation 1.
HQ 0087408 - Finned Copper Tube; Pipe; Gilled; Ridged; Grooved; Hollow Profiles
HQ 0087423 - Eye shade; request for modification of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 851144; classified as other made up garment, not other clothing accessory
HQ 0087424 - Women's sleeveless garment; Style 562-888 R; Rompers; Overalls; Coveralls; Jumpsuit; Other women's garment
HQ 0087430 - Reconsideration of Headquarters Ruling Letter (HRL) 081646. Footwear, athletic; Accessories or Reinforcements; HRL 081646 revoked
HQ 0087432 - Pistol Cleaning Kit
HQ 0087433 - Actuator With Planetary Roller Screw; Unfinished Lifting Mechanism; Casting Machine Part; Electric Motor; 852660 Revoked
HQ 0087434 - Double Walled Pipes
HQ 0087435 - The "Spectralstar Televideo Producer" 8 mm, 16 mm and slide film-to-video cassette transfer device (additionally requires the use of a video camera and recorder); Other optical appliances and instruments
HQ 0087436 - Classification of a men's tank top and a pair of men's shorts
HQ 0087439 - Unassembled Imitation Leather Travel Organizer; Portfolio; Travel Planner
HQ 0087441 - HRL 086407 Reconsidered and Affirmed; Children's Art/Craft Kits
HQ 0087446 - Notification of modification of HRL 083276.