United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1991 HQ Rulings
> HQ 0555185 - HQ 0555425
HQ 0555185 - Applicability of partial duty exemption under HTSUS subhead- ing 9802.00.80 to aluminum louvers created by cutting extruded profiles and wire mesh to length, hole punching/ drilling the parts to facilitate assembly operations, consisting of clipping and screwing the components together, then chemically cleaning and coating the finished articles. Fabricated components;19 CFR 10.14(a);Assembly;19 CFR 10.16(a);Incidental operations;19 CFR 10.16(b);554790; C.S.D. 81-52;Oxford Industries (1981);post-assembly operations;19 CFR 10.16(c); General Motors (pending litigation);19 CFR 177.7(b).
HQ 0555198 - GSP Direct Costs of Processing Operations
HQ 0555200 - Applicability of subheading 9802.00.80, HTSUS, to certain refrigerator parts assembled in Mexico
HQ 0555201 - Classification of self adhesive index tabs assembled from U.S. origin materials
HQ 0555205 - Applicability of partial duty exemption under HTSUS subhead- ing 9802.00.80 to spark plug wire assemblies created by cutting spooled wire to length, stripping the ends, crimping a terminal on one end of the wire and force fitting nipples over the other ends with the aid of a lubricant.Incidental operations; General Instrument (1974).
HQ 0555206 - Entry of Rechargeable Flashlights under the Generalized System of Preferences
HQ 0555241 - Applicability of subheading 9801.00.10 or subheading 9802.00.50, HTSUS, to backing paper containing labels which is cut abroad to length and width
HQ 0555268 - Applicability of duty exemption under subheadings 9801.00.10 and 9802.00.80, HTSUS, and eligibility for duty-free treatment under the GSP, with respect to "Code 6000 Infection Control Systems" imported from Mexico
HQ 0555282 - Classification of titanium anode made of foreign metal cut to size and coated with ruthenium in the U.S., and then assembled in an electrolyzer in Japan.
HQ 0555290 - Applicability of the duty exemptions under subheadings 9801.00.10 and 9802.00.80, HTSUS, to certain parts of a plastic sports bottle assembled and/or packed in Mexico
HQ 0555291 - Applicability of subheading 9802.00.50 or 9802.00.60, HTSUS, to aluminum alloy products
HQ 0555309 - Free entry of textile samples used to solicit foreign orders
HQ 0555310 - Cutting of foreign-made fabric to shape as a substantial transformation resulting in a U.S. product
HQ 0555322 - Applicability of partial duty exemption under HTSUS subhead- ing 9802.00.60 to certain high performance race car parts processed in Mexico.Intelex Systems, Inc. (1972);anodizing; impregnation;555105; C.S.D. 79-290;554359;071147;094102; 555103;054271;067328;071396
HQ 0555328 - Applicability of subheading 9802.00.80, HTSUS, to certain roller assemblies from Mexico
HQ 0555329 - Free entry under subheading 9801.00.10, HTSUS, of parts bags containing U.S.-made components
HQ 0555343 - Classification under subheading 9802.00.50, HTSUS, of multistrike film slit abroad into ribbon material
HQ 0555353 - GSP Treatment of Paper Binding Covers Imported from Mexico
HQ 0555356 - Applicability of partial duty exemption under HTSUS subhead- ing 9802.00.60 to pre-sensitized offset printing press plates processed in Japan.C.S.D. 84-49;037347;063601;553252; 845453;T.D. 66-181(1).
HQ 0555360 - GSP Treatment of Incandescent Projection Lamps
HQ 0555361 - Applicability of partial duty exemption under HTSUS subhead- ing 9802.00.80 to certain textile products, designed for use as offset printing blankets, imported from Hungary.C.J. Tower & Sons of Buffalo, Inc. (1969);classification.
HQ 0555363 - Applicability of alterations provision in subheading 9802.00.50, HTSUS, to boxer shorts exported to Canada and printed with designs
HQ 0555365 - Applicability of subheading 9801.00.10, HTSUS, and country of origin marking requirements, to U.S.-made junction boxes exported to Mexico and packaged with foreign screws
HQ 0555368 - Duty-Free Treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences of wooden pedestals made in Mexico
HQ 0555371 - Entry of Partition Folders and Pressboard Binders under the Caribbean Basin Initiative or the Generalized System of Preferences
HQ 0555379 - CBI Eligibility of Latex Rubber Medical Gloves from the Netherlands Antilles
HQ 0555382 - Duty-Free Treatment of Shopping Bags Imported from the Northern Mariana Islands
HQ 0555384 - Application for further Review of Protest No. 3004-7-000140, contesting the denial of item 806.20, TSUS, treatment to steel piling galvanized in Canada
HQ 0555387 - Applicability of partial duty exemption under HTSUS subhead- ing 9802.00.50 to various heat shrink tubings from Mexico. Dolliff & Company, Inc. (1979);071475;554736;
HQ 0555393 - Applicability of provision for articles assembled abroad of fabricated U.S. components in subheading 9802.00.80, HTSUS, to shoes made in the Dominican Republic
HQ 0555394 - Applicability of partial duty exemption under HTSUS subhead- ing 9802.00.80 to certain non-woven fabric vanes to be imported from Taiwan or Thailand.Mast Industries, Inc. (1981);554920;L'Eggs Products, Inc., (1989).
HQ 0555395 - Applicability of the provision for assembled articles in Subheading 9802.00.80, HTSUS, to a shoe-shine mitt made by sewing together a single panel
HQ 0555398 - GSP Eligibility of Black Pepper Grown in India or Indonesia
HQ 0555400 - Tariff treatment of corrugated boxes from Mexico imported filled with foreign merchandise.GSP;GRI 5(b), HTSUS
HQ 0555401 - Applicability of provision for assembled articles in subheading 9802.00.80, HTSUS, to automotive brakes and boosters made in Brazil
HQ 0555403 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2002-8-0000217, contesting the denial of duty-free treatment for ethoxyquin under the U.S.-Israel FTA.Substantial transformation;article of commerce;Azteca Milling;chemicals
HQ 0555411 - Tariff treatment of primary wire exported in bulk and either cut and wound on spools in 100-foot lengths or cut to various lengths, coiled, and secured with a twist tie.
HQ 0555413 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3901-8-000726, concerning denial of TSUS item 806.20 treatment to refurbished telephones.F.W. Myers & Co.;H.F. Keeler;Pacific Customs Brokerage Co;Zemansky;Coastwise Steamship;19 CFR 10.8;compliance with regulations;proof of identity
HQ 0555416 - Applicability of partial duty exemption under subheading 9802.00.80, HTSUS, to mechanical cable formed by squaring, cutting to length, and deburring core component, and force fitting core component with other components. Assembly; incidental operation; further fabrication; C.S.D.84-39
HQ 0555425 - Allowance in duty for ribbon bows assembled in China from United States-made materials under subheading 9802.00.80 or 9802.00.50, HTSUS