396. Time

See also 18. ANTIQUITY ; 174. FUTURE ; 308. PAST .

1. a person or a thing remaining or appearing after its own time period; archaism.
2. an error in chronology. Also called antichronism . — anachronistic, anachronistical, anachronous, adj.
the absence of concurrent time. Cf. synchronism. asynchronic , adj. asynchrony , n.
1. the science of arranging time in fixed periods for the purpose of dating events accurately and arranging them in order of occurrence.
2. a reference book organized according to the dates of past events. — chronologer, chronologist, n. chronological, adj.
1. the art of measuring time accurately.
2. the measurement of time by periods or divisions. — chronometric, chronometrical, adj.
an abnormal discomfort concerning time.
an instrument for accurate measurement of very short periods of time, as the time of trajectory of missiles.
accurate measurement of short intervals of time by means of a chronoscope. — chronoscopic, adj.
an instrument for measuring time by the controlled flow of water or mercury through a small opening.
coevalneity. — coetaneous, adj.
the state of eternal coexistence; eternal coexistence with another eternal entity. — coetemal, adj.
the state or quality of being alike in age or duration; contemporaneity. Also called coetaneity . — coeval, adj.
the practice or habit of delay or tardiness; procrastination. — cunctator , n. cunctatious, cunctatory , adj.
the science of fixing dates in the past by the study of growth rings in trees. — dendrochronologist , n. dendrochronological , adj.
diachronism, diachrony
the comparative study of a development based on its history. — diachronic, diachronistic, diachronistical, adj.
Rare. the quality of long duration in time; length of time. — diuturnal, adj.
the chronology of the earth as induced from geologic data. — geochronologist , n. geochronologic, geochronological , adj.
the study of two or more related but distinct languages in order to determine when they separated, by examining the lexicon they share and those parts of it that have been replaced. — glottochronologist , n. glottochronological , adj.
the art or science of constructing dials, as sundials, which show the time of day by the shadow of the gnomon, a pin or triangle raised above the surface of the dial.
a treatise or other work on the subject of gnomics.
any instrument or device for telling time, especially a sundial and early forms of the clock.
1. the description of watches and clocks.
2. the art of making timepieces. — horologiographer, horologiographian, n. horologiographic, adj.
the art or science of making timepieces or of measuring time. — horologist , n. horological , adj.
an instrument for measuring time.
the art or science of measuring time. — horometrical, adj.
immediateness; the quality or condition of being immediate.
Obsolete, the state or condition of being untimely. — intempestive , adj.
1. the characteristic of having a uniform period of vibration.
2. the condition of occurring at the same time as another event. — isochronic, adj. isochrony, n.
a calendar of months.
the state or condition of occurring monthly.
a chronological error in which an event is assigned a date after its real one. Cf. parachronism. metachronic, adj.
an instrument for measuring extremely small time intervals. — microchronometric, adj.
the process or condition of going out of date or being no longer in use. — obsolescent, adj.
the dating of an event as later than its actual occurrence. Cf. prochronism. parachronic, adj.
the study of natural phenomena that occur periodically, as migration or blossoming, and their relation to climate and changes of season. — phenologist , n. phenological , adj.
1. a camera for recording motion by a series of photographs taken at brief intervals.
2. the photograph so produced.
3. a camera that records the exact time of the event it is photographing by exposing a moving sensitized plate to the tracing of a thin beam of light synchronized with the event.
prevenance, prevenience
the act or state of preceding or coming before. — prevenient, adj.
the dating of an event as earlier than its actual occurrence. Cf. parachronism. prochronic, adj.
the proportionate frequency at which an event takes place. See also 295. NUMBERS .
the state or quality of being eternal, without beginning or end. — sempiternal, adj.
synchronism, synchrony
a coincidence in time; simultaneity. Cf. asynchronism. synchronistic, synchronistical, adj.
an arrangement of events by date, grouping together all those of the same date; a comparative chronology. — synchronological, adj.
transience, transiency
the state or quality of passing with time or being ephemeral or fleeting. — transient, adj.

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