356. Rivers
See also 234. LAKES ; 360. SEA ; 414. WATER .
- alluvion
- 1. the gradual depositing by a river of earth and other material on the banks.
- 2. also called alluvium . the material deposited.
- fluviation
- 1. the formation of rivers.
- 2. a river system.
- lutulence
- Obsolete, the state or condition of being muddy or turbid. —lutulent, adj.
- nilometer
- an instrument used for measuring the increase in the level of the River Nile during its flood period, consisting of a water chamber containing a graduated pillar. Also niloscope .
- potamology
- the study of rivers. —potamologist, n. —potamological, adj.
- potamophobia
- a morbid fear of rivers.
- riparian
- a dweller on the bank of a river. —riparian, adj.
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