260. Mary
See also 69. CATHOLICISM ; 79. CHRIST ; 80. CHRISTIANITY ; 183. GOD and GODS ; 349. RELIGION ; 359. SAINTS ; 392. THEOLOGY .
- hyperdulia
- the veneration offered by Roman Catholics to the Virgin Mary as the most exalted of human beings.
- Jovinianist
- an adherent of Jovinian, a 4th-century monk who opposed asceti-cism and denied the virginity of Mary.
- Mariolatry
- an excessive and proscribed veneration of the Virgin Mary. —Mariolater , n. —Mariolatrous , adj.
- Mariology
- 1. the body of belief and doctrine concerning the Virgin Mary.
- 2. the study of the Virgin Mary. —Mariologist , n.
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