227. Islam
See also 151. FAITH ; 183. GOD and GODS ; 349. RELIGION ; 392. THEOLOGY .
- Alcoranist
- a strict follower of the Koran.
- Babism, Babiism
- the doctrines and practices of a 19th-century Persian sect that formed the basis for the current Baha’i organization, regarded as heretical by orthodox Muslims because its leader proclaimed himself to be the Imam Mahdi, the expected twelfth Imam of the Shiite sect, who would establish justice on earth. —Babist , n .
- Ghazism
- the activities of the Ghazis, fanatics sworn to destroy all infidels.
- Imamite
- a member of the Shi’a sect of Muslims, who believe in a succession of twelve divinely inspired imams, from Ali to Muhamad al Muntazar.
- Islam, Islamism
- the religion of Islam; Muhammadanism. —Islamist , n . —Islamitic , adj.
- Kaabism
- the tradition in Islam of venerating a shrine in Mecca through pilgrimage and prayers made after turning in its direction. —Kaaba , n., adj.
- Karmathian
- an adherent of a heretical 9th-century Muslim sect that considers the Koran as mere allegory and is opposed to prayer, fasting, and revelation.
- Mahdism
- the belief in Mahdi, the Muslim spiritual guide who, on Judgment Day, will lead the faithful to salvation. —Mahdist , n.
- Muhammadanism, Mohammedanism
- the doctrines and practices of the religion founded by the prophet Muhammad and set forth in the Koran. Also called Islam , Islamism . —Muhammadan, Mohammedan , n.
- Pan-Islamism
- the doctrines of Sultan Abdul-Hamid’s 19th-century political movement that was against the westernization and unification of Islam. —Pan-Islamist , n. —Pan-Islamic , adj.
- Senusism, Sanusism
- a 19th-century Islamic brotherhood observing a strict and ascetic religious orthodoxy and practicing militant political activity. Also Senusiya, Sanusiya . —Senusi, Sanusi , n .
- Shiism
- the doctrines and practices of Shi’a, one of the two major branches of Islam, regarding Ali, the son-in-law of Muhammad, as the Prophet’s legitimate successor. See also Sunnism . —Shiite , n., adj.
- Suflism, Sufism
- the beliefs and practices of an ascetic, retiring, and mystical sect in Islam. —Sufi , n., adj.
- Sunnism
- the doctrines and practices of the larger of the two major branches of Islam, regarding as legitimate the first four caliphs after Muhammad’s death and stressing the importance of the traditional portion of Muslim law (the Sunna). See also Shiism . — Sunnite , n., adj.
- talismanist
- Obsolete, a Muslim holy man.
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