202. Heights
See also 283. MOUNTAINS .
- acrophobia
- an abnormal fear of being at great heights Also called altophobia, batophobia, hypsiphobia .
- altimetry
- the science of measuring heights, as with an altimeter. —altimetrical , adj.
- altophobia
- acrophobia.
- batophobia
- 1. acrophobia.
- 2. an abnormal fear of passing high buildings.
- cremnomania
- an abnormal interest in cliffs.
- cremnophobia
- an abnormal fear of precipices.
- hypsiphobia, hypsophobia
- acrophobia.
- hypsography
- a branch of geography that deals with the measurement and mapping of the varying elevations of the earth’s surface above sea level. —hypsographic, hypsographical , adj.
- hypsometer
- an instrument for measuring altitude by the relationship between atmospheric pressure and the boiling point of a liquid.
- hypsometry
- the measurement of altitude and heights, especially with refer-ence to sea level. —hypsometric, hypsometrical , adj.
- tachymeter
- a surveying instrument for measuring distance, height, elevation, etc.
- tachymetry
- the measurement of distance, height, elevation, etc., with a tachymeter.
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