199. Heart
See also 14. ANATOMY ; 51. BODY, HUMAN .
- anginophobia
- an abnormal fear of angina pectoris.
- arrhythmia, arhythmia, arythmia, arrythmia
- any abnormality in the rhythm of the heartbeat. — arrhythmic, arhythmic, arythmic, arrythmic, adj.
- cardialgia, cardialgy
- a burning or other painful feeling in the stomach or esophagus; heartburn.
- cardioangiology
- Medicine. the specialty that treats the heart and the blood vessels.
- cardiocentesis
- Medicine. the surgical puncture or incision of the heart. Also called cardiopuncture.
- cardiodynamics
- the branch of medical science that studies the forces and motions involved in the heart’s actions.
- cardiodynia
- Medicine. a pain in the heart.
- cardiogenesis
- Medical Science, the study of the development of the heart in the embryo.
- cardiograph
- an instrument to record the action of the heart. — cardiographer, n. — cardiographic, adj.
- cardiography
- Medicine. the technique of graphically recording some physical or functional features of heart action.
- cardiokinetic
- an agent that stimulates action of the heart.
- cardiology
- Medicine. the study of the heart and its functions. — cardiologist, n. — cardiologic, cardiological, adj.
- cardiomalacia
- Medicine. a disease causing a softening of the muscle of the heart.
- cardiomegaly
- Medicine. an abnormal enlargement of the heart.
- cardiomyopathy
- Medicine. a general term designating the early stages of diseases of heart muscles.
- cardiopaludism
- Medicine. a heart disease caused by malaria and marked by increases in heart rhythm and doubled beating.
- cardiopathy
- any disease or disorder of the heart. — cardiopath, n . — cardiopathic, adj.
- cardiophobia
- an abnormal fear of heart disease.
- cardiopuncture
- cardiocentesis.
- cardioversion
- Medicine. the restoration of proper heart rhythm by electrical shock.
- carditis
- an inflamed condition of the heart.
- crotism
- the condition of having a single (monocrotism), double (dicrotism), etc., heartbeat.
- diastole
- the rhythmic dilatation of the heart during which the muscle relaxes and the chambers fill with blood. Cf. systole. — diastolic, adj.
- dicrotism
- the condition of having a doublé heartbeat. — dicrotic, adj.
- endocarditis
- an inflamed condition of the endocardium, the membrane that lines heart chambers.
- eurhythmy
- an even pulsebeat. — eurhythmic, adj.
- fibrillation
- the uncontrolled twitching of the muscular fibrils, especially of the cardiac muscles.
- infarction
- a condition in which a localized area of muscular tissue is dying or dead owing to insufficient supply of blood, as occurs in a heart attack.
- monocrotism
- the condition of having a single heartbeat. — monocrotic, adj.
- myocarditis
- an inflamed condition of the muscular walls of the heart.
- palpitation
- 1. rapid and irregular beating of the heart.
- 2. a trembling of the body, as from fear or anxiety.
- pericarditis
- an inflamed condition of the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart.
- systole
- the rhythmic contraction of the heart, and especially of the ventricles, following each dilatation. Cf. diastole. — systolic, adj.
- tachycardia
- abnormally rapid beating of the heart.
- tricrotism
- the condition of having three arterial beats for every one heartbeat, as in certain pulses. — tricrotic, adj.
- valvulitis
- inflammation of a cardiac valve, usually caused by syphilis or rheumatic fever.
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