54. Botany
See also 44. BIOLOGY ; 167. FLOWERS ; 188. GRASSES ; 241. LEAVES ; 319. PLANTS ; 401. TREES .
- agrostology
- the branch of systematic botany that studies grasses. Also called graminology. — agrostologist , n . — agrostologic , agrostological , adj .
- algology
- the branch of botany that studies seaweeds and algae. Also called phycology . — algologist , n. — algological , adj .
- ampelography
- the branch of botany that studies the cultivation of grapes. — ampelographer , n.
- anamorphosis
- an abnormal change in the form of a plant that falsely gives it the appearance of a different species. — anamorphic , adj.
- anisotropy
- the state or condition of certain flowers or plants of having different dimensions along different axes. See also 316. PHYSICS . — anisotropic , adj.
- batology
- the branch of botany that studies brambles. — batologist , n.
- bisymmetry
- in botany, the condition of having two planes of symmetry at right angles to one another. — bisymmetric , bisymmetrical , adj.
- botany
- a major division of biology that studies all plant life. Also called phytology. — botanist, n. — botanical, adj.
- bryology
- the branch of botany that studies mosses and liverworts. — bryologist, n.
- caprification
- the pollination process of figs, in which fig wasps, attracted by the caprifigs, or inedible fig-fruit, pollinate the figs. — caprificator, n.
- caricologist
- a person who specializes in the study of sedges.
- carpology
- the branch of botany that studies the structure of fruits and seeds. — carpologist, n. — carpological, adj.
- chromatism
- abnormal coloration in parts of a plant that are usually green. See also 92. COLOR .
- cryptogamist
- one proficient in cryptogamic botany, i.e., the study of plants, as ferns and mosses, that have no true flowers or seeds.
- dendrology
- the branch of botany that studies trees. — dendrologist, n. — dendrologic, dendrological, adj.
- epiphytology
- the study of the character, ecology, and causes of plant diseases, as blight, which destroy a large number of susceptible plants in a large area simultaneously. — epiphytologist, n.
- ethnobotany
- a specialty in botany that studies the lore and uses of plants as illustrative of the customs of a (usually primitive) society. — ethnobotanist, n. — ethnobotanic, ethnobotanical, adj.
- filicology
- the study of ferns. Cf. pteridology. — filicologist. n.
- fungology
- the scientific study of fungi. — fungologist, n. — fungological, adj.
- graminology
- agrostology. — graminologist, n. — graminologic, graminological, adj.
- herbalist
- Obsolete, a descriptive botanist. See also 319. PLANTS .
- herbarian, herbarist
- Obsolete, a herbalist.
- herbarism
- Obsolete, botany.
- herbarium
- a collection of dried plants, assembled and arranged for botanical study.
- lichenology
- the study of lichens. — lichenologist, n. — lichenologic, lichenological, adj.
- Linneanism
- a system of botanical nomenclature following the binomial procedures established by Swedish botanist Carl von Linné. — Linnaean, Linnean, adj.
- muscology
- the study of mosses. — muscologist, n.
- mycology
- 1. the branch of botany that studies fungi.
- 2. a catalogue of the fungi found in a specific area. — mycologist, n. — mycologie, mycological, adj.
- orchidology
- the branch of botany or horticulture that studies orchids. — orchidologist , n.
- phycography
- a scientific description of seaweed. — phycographic , adj .
- phycology
- algology. — phycologist , n .
- phylum
- any of the basic divisions of the plant or animal kingdom. Cf. phylon .
- phytogenesis
- the science and history of the development of plants. Also phytogeny. — phytogenetic , phytogenetical , adj .
- phytogeography
- the study of plants according to their geographical distribution. — phytogeographer , n. — phytogeographic, phytogeographical , adj .
- phytography
- the branch of botany that studies plant measurement and plant taxonomy. — phytographer, phytographist , n. — phytographic, phytographical , adj .
- phytology
- botany.
- phytosociology
- the branch of ecology that studies the interrelations of plants and plant communities. — phytosociologist , n. — phytosociologic, phytosociological . adj.
- pomology
- 1. the branch of botany that studies the cultivation of fruit.
- 2. the science of growing, storing, and processing fruit. — pomologist , n .
- pteridography
- the systematic description of ferns.
- pteridology
- the branch of botany that studies ferns. Cf. filicology . — pteridologist , n .
- Schwendenerism
- the theory that lichens are parasitic fungi growing upon algae, first advanced by the German botanist S. Schwendener.
- sphagnology
- the study of the sphagnum mosses. — sphagnologist , n.
- stirpiculture
- selective breeding to develop strains with particular characteristics. — stirpicultural , adj .
- symphyogenesis
- production by union of elements that were formerly separate. — symphyogenetic , adj .
- tautonym
- a botanical or zoological name in which two terms are combined, the generic name and the specific, with both being the same. (a practice no longer approved by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.)
- uredinology
- a branch of mycology that studies rusts. — uredinologist , n.
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