7. Alchemy

See also 252. MAGIC .

the secret of life; a great elixir or remedy sought by the alchemists. See also 233. KNOWLEDGE .
1. the hypothetical substance sought by alchemists that was believed to transform base metals into gold and give eternal life. Also called philosopher’s stone, elixir of life.
2. Rare. the quintessence or underlying principle. See also 350. REMEDIES .
Hermeticism 1
1. the occult concepts, ideas, or philosophy set forth in the writings of the hermeticists of the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance.
2. adherence to, belief in, or propagation of these concepts and ideas.
3. Literature. a symbolic and arcane style similar to that of the hermeticists, especially in the poetry of certain French symbolist poets. Cf. hermetics . — hermeticist, hermetist, n. hermetic, hermetical, adj.
Hermeticism 2 , hermeticism
1. the ideas or beliefs set forth in the writings of Hermes Trismegistus.
2. adherence to these ideas and beliefs.
the occult sciences, especially alchemy. Cf. Hermeticism 1 . — hermetist, n. hermetic, hermetical, adj.
1. originally, alchemy devoted to medicinal purposes, especially the alchemy of the period 1525-1660, influenced by the theories of Paracelsus.
2. currently, chemistry for healing purposes. — iatrochemist, n.
an alchemist.
the process or act of change, especially from one thing to another, as the change from base metal to gold, pursued by the alchemists. — transmutationist, n. transmutative, adj.
an alchemist who believed that, in one of several ways, it was possible to change less valuable elements into silver or gold.

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