Decongestive reflexology

This therapy is based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet that correspond to the body's organs and glands. Stimulating and applying pressure to the feet may be effective in helping to relieve symptoms of varicose veins.

+ Reflexology considers that on the feet there are reflex points that can be worked in the treatment of ailments and discomforts. This curative art, dating back thousands of years, uses applied pressure and massages on specific points that correspond to other parts of the body.


You should apply finger pressure on three groups of points (A, B and C) to help stimulate blood circulation (see box on page 33). What group you focus on depends on your ailment or the origin of the discomfort. If the group you worked on is the correct area, after a session you should feel relief. You should massage on each point for about fifteen seconds. As in all physical therapies, regular practice is required: two or three times a week, for three to six weeks, to experience beneficial results.

To treat varicose veins


It's not recommended practicing reflexology on people who are suffering from fever or serious illnesses, are in need of surgery or when the feet are infected with fungus or more serious foot ailments. This treatment is not recommended during pregnancy.


  1. • Colon
  2. • Liver
  3. • Suprarenal glands


  1. • Bladder
  2. • Kidney
  3. • Suprarenal glands
  4. • Spinal column
  5. • Urethra


  1. • Heart
  2. • Large intestine
  3. • Liver
  4. • Lymphatic area in the inner thigh
  5. • Small intestine
  6. • Solar plexus
  7. • Spinal column
  8. • Spleen

To treat varicose veins

To treat varicose veins

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