How to fight stress

To fight stress it's important for you to set clear goals and learn how to choose appropriate activities for a healthy life style. You should change unhealthy habits, receive proper medical treatment and make use of alternative therapies and natural health remedies.

How to fight stress

+ The way we react in a troublesome situation varies from person to person. Some can resist and confront problems easily, while others hide and freeze up when they must deal with their troubles. Some of us feel completely defenseless when we are worried.

Stress is not an objective condition, we all react to it in different ways. Managing your life depends on the capability of just one person, yourself. Your mental state constantly looks for ways out of negative situations, taking note of preconceptions and changing habits.


It's recommended that, if you are managing a lot of stress daily, you take your blood pressure periodically to detect and prevent high blood pressure.


We must deal with diverse levels of stress. All types of stress deserve attention, but while stress can be slight, other types require immediate care.

Circumstantial stress. This is the type of stress which everyone must deal with from time to time, such as a meeting, deadline at work, or taking an examination. In general, we benefit from this type of stress because it generates enthusiasm, excitement and pressures which help us grow and become more active. Most of the time you can control circumstantial stress. If you carry a balanced routine, you can lead a healthy life while dealing with this type of stress.

Excessive stress. We suffer from this type of stress when dealing with constant and excessive tension. It's important to put limits on external pressures so that your mental and physical state do not become affected. Natural holistic remedies can be particularly helpful in relieving and preventing stress. However, you should keep in mind that natural remedies only work when accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Practice yoga and meditate.
  2. Massages and stress relieving do-it-yourself massages, shiatsu, reflexology, qi gong exercises.
  3. Anti-stress tonics and herbs.
  4. Aromatherapy.
  5. Eat foods that benefit the nervous system.

Natural Holistic Remedies


  1. • Smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee or any other stimulant.
  2. • Leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  3. • Living in constant tension.
  4. • Not taking time for leisure activities and to have fun.
  5. • Eating an unbalanced diet.


  1. • Irritability.
  2. • Insomnia.
  3. • Apathy.
  4. • Mood swings.
  5. • Inability to concentrate.
  6. • Impulsive behavior.
  7. • Crying fits.
  8. • Nightmares.
  9. • Hyperactivity.
  10. • Anxiety.
  11. • Compulsive behavior.
  12. • Addictions.

Chronic stress. If you suffer from chronic stress you should seek professional help, because the pressures you deal with are constant and incompatible with a healthy life. Sometimes, we are so used to living under intense external pressures that we are not aware that we suffer from the side-effects of stress. Personal conflicts, marital problems, over-demanding tasks at work which you are not equipped for, problems with your kids and/or difficult living conditions can trigger chronic stress. These types of personal conflicts put your physical and mental health at risk. If you suffer from this third type of stress you should surely seek medical and psychological attention.


Stress can affect you at any stage of your life and at any age. One of the most common causes of stress is pressure at the workplace, which has become more and more demanding in a time when multi-tasking and workaholicism are expected of us. Luckily, there are ways to reorganize how you delegate your time and strategize task completion. These strategies can help you get your work done while maintaining a low-stress level.

Those of us who can maintain a healthy equilibrium while under pressure in general have greater facility to organize and manage external pressures. This is why it is important for you to learn how to prevent stress.

A Change of Attitude

Many of us also suffer from “domestic” stress or pressure at home. Most commonly over-dedicated mothers and wives, who leave little time for rest and recreational activities, suffer from “domestic” stress. Also, interpersonal conflicts (between couples and between parents and children) are another major source of stress, and deserve attention because they sometimes cover up more serious psychological problems that require professional help.

Women and men react to stress differently. It's proven that in certain situations of tension, women are affected less than men. Although, in general, women suffer more from stress because their tasks are more consuming.

Whatever may be the case or circumstance, it is imperative for you to detect when you are under stress and spot what is causing your stress. For you to detect stress, it's helpful to make a list of physical, psychological and emotional symptoms which cause you distress in your daily activities, whether they are in your personal life or at work. And then compare them to the symptoms listed in the questions on pages 6 and 7. This will allow you to take note of your physical symptoms and determine whether you need medical attention.

Detecting symptoms will also permit you to reflect upon your mental state and, if necessary, seek psychological help. Alternative therapy, when accompanied by professional assistance, can help to alleviate stress. Following these recommendations you can begin a road to tranquility and a balanced lifestyle.


Even though they are small, children live in an adult world. They also get stressed out when under pressure or when their parents are stressed. If this situation becomes continual or routine, youngsters get used to elevated levels of adrenaline. Children then feel uncomfortable or bored when they finally get a chance to calm down. Later in adult life, some of us put exceeding pressures on ourselves because we can't stand to be in a state of tranquility (something which we carry over from our childhood).

Children and Stress

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