Calming foot therapy

Reflexology is a natural healing art that helps the body's overall health and relieves aches and pains by applying pressure to the base of the foot, toes, edges of the heels, palms and upper part of the hands. The following massages will relax your body, mind and spirit.

+ Reflexology is used to treat imbalances in the body by pressing on certain parts of the feet and hands. The art is based on the principle that reflexes on the hands and feet correspond to the body's organs and glands. Applying stimulation and pressure to the feet or hands, you are increasing circulation and promoting specific bodily and muscular functions.

Reflexology is not an exact science, but has been proven through practice to give positive results. You don't need to be a specialist to give these relaxing massages, you can practice them with someone else or on yourself. The following massages are a good way to fight stress and to make you feel better.

1. It's important to start by massaging the entire foot: first, rotate the ankles from one side to the other; next, massage the toes, one at a time. Finally, massage the entire base of the foot by pressing with your thumbs. Massage using clock wise movements, to activate the foot's senses and then to relax them.

It's important to start by massaging the entire foot

2. Apply pressure with your finger on the point of the lower part of the foot that corresponds to the spinal column. The finger pressing on the top effects on the shoulder blades and the one on the bottom, on the lower back.

Apply pressure with your finger on the point of the lower part of the foot

3. With your thumb press on the side of the foot, the part that corresponds to the upper back. With your other thumb, press on the outside of the ball of the foot, to work the tail bone.

With your thumb press on the side of the foot

4. Pressing on the point that corresponds to the chest cavity will give you a sense of calm and balance inside the body. This is a special point for relieving everyday stress.

Pressing on the point that corresponds to the chest


When you are dealing with everyday stress, a foot massage can provide soothing relief. However, it's important to pay attention to the points on the foot that correspond to the chest cavity, head and heart, or any part of your body which is achy and tense like your shoulders or back.

When you are dealing with everyday stress

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