Nutrient rich diet

Diet plays an important role in maintaining the health of the skin. A balanced diet should supply all the nutrients needed to build health and fight ailments, and to reduce the risk of illnesses. Nutrients also help to keep our skin supple and glowing.

+ Keeping the skin hydrated is all important; we get a large amount of water from the foods we eat. Almost all fruits and vegetables contain a large percentage of water, which is just one reason why to include fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. An ideal diet should provide adequate quantities of all the nutrients essential to health and beauty. Vitamins are organic compounds that play a number of roles inside our bodies, among them is keeping the skin healthy and beautiful. Vitamins act as antioxidants, neutralizing the damage caused by free radicals. There are a number of factors caused by lifestyle habits that make it necessary to consume a higher intake of vitamins. Smokers for example, need a higher amount of vitamin A and C to neutralize the negative effects of cigarette smoke on the skin. When under stress we need a number of extra vitamins and minerals to restore healthy skin. The nutrients which are of particular importance for beauty, and their main sources, are briefly examined here.

Nutrient rich diet


You should always consult your doctor before changing your diet.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for healthy hair and eyes. Derived from carotene (pro-vitamin A) it is one of the major antioxidants found in nature. This vitamin is essential in neutralizing the actions of free radicals or unstable molecules. This nutrient also helps to prevent signs of premature aging. It is needed for tissue, mucous membrane and skin cell formation. It is important for protecting the skin and eyesight. It also helps to prevent and clear infections. A deficiency can lead to dry, coarse, and wrinkled skin. It is especially recommended for people with dry or dull skin and for people who suffer from bad eyesight. It is found in green leafy vegetables , and red, orange and yellow vegetables ( spinach, carrots, pumpkin, squash ) and many fruits ( cherries, melon, peaches and nectarines .)

Vitamin A

Vitamin A



Carrots are one of the most delicious and nutrient rich vegetables for protecting the skin. They are the most recommended vegetable for protecting the skin. They are a great source of antioxidants, rich in betacarotene, vitamins B 1 , B 2 and C. They also help to further protect the skin against ultraviolet rays, especially for fair skinned individuals. They also increase our resistance to infections, stimulates the production of red blood cells and keep the vision healthy.


Dice 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 summer squashes, 2 carrots and add vegetable oil. Brown the onion and add the rest of the vegetables. Slightly brown. Add herbs and spices to taste.

Vitamin B 2

Keeps the skin, nails and hair healthy and helps to prevent damage caused by free radicals. It is used in the treatment of acne, rosacea and seborrheal dermatitis. This nutrient is vital for growth, it plays an important role in cellular reproduction and helps to keep the red blood cells healthy. A deficiency can cause a number of clear symptoms such as lack of energy, nervousness and depression. In addition a lack of B 2 can cause eye trouble and skin problems such as cracked lips, and at the corners of the mouth. Found in yeast, vegetables (spinach, cabbage), cereals (wholewheat flour, wheat germ), nuts and seeds (almonds, soy seeds) and animal based foods (beef, liver, turkey breast, pork), and dairy foods (cottage cheese, soft cheeses, yogurt and skim milk) .

Vitamin B2


Rich in antioxidants, thanks to its high content of beta-carotene that helps to prevent signs of premature aging, such as wrinkles and aging spots. It is rich in vitamin B and iron, nutrients beneficial for the skin and nails (ridging or peeling fingernails).



It's best to eat spinach raw to preserve nutrients. Wash the leaves well, crop and add a vinaigrette prepared with apple cider vinegar, grape seed oil, salt and pepper. You can add salted roasted pumpkinseeds to help prevent dry skin.

Vitamin B 3

A key nutrient in protecting and keeping the skin healthy, it has a number of antioxidant properties, helping the cells breathe and keeping the brain and nervous system healthy. This nutrient is essential for breaking down carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Skin problems can be a sign of vitamin B 3 deficiency: the most affected areas are those exposed to the sun, where red spots, dermatitis, itchy spots and other symptoms of skin damage appear. It is found in brewer's yeast, nuts and seeds (peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds), milk, cheeses, eggs, wholewheat flour, grains, brown rice and some fruits and vegetables such as peaches, melon, mango, deep green vegetables, red peppers and tomatoes .


Whole Grain Cereals

These are cereals which haven't been processed and which still have the bran (the husk of the grain) which contains the most important nutrients for maintaining a healthy skin (like niacin, for example).


Prepare the dough with 1 tablespoon of yeast, 3 cups of wholewheat flour, a pinch of salt, 1 egg and some sunflower oil. Leave to raise and, before placing in the oven to bake at a moderate temperature, sprinkle some flax seeds on the top of the loaf.

Vitamin B 5

Helps to release and distribute energy from food. Helps wounds to heal, restores the skin and prevents fatigue. Helps to keep the skin moisturized, not only the dermis but also the scalp. Helps to repair damaged hair, giving it volume and luster. It also helps to improve weak hair. This vitamin is known as the anti-stress vitamin. Deficiency is not common (it is found in most natural foods, only when food is processed or frozen is vitamin B 5 lost). Signs of deficiency are skin and blood disorders. Vitamin B 5 rich food: brewer's yeast, liver, peanuts, sunflower seed oil, nuts, eggs, cereals and wholewheat breads, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage and beans .


Peppers are not only an important source of vitamin C, they also contain lycopenes, a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin.

Peppers for your Skin


Slice 2 peppers, 2 zucchinis and 1 onion Julienne style. Add a minimal amount of olive oil to a pan and add the veggies, cooking over a low heat, along with soy sprouts. Mix constantly. The veggies only need 5 minutes cooking heat. Add salt and pepper to taste for a delicious and skin healthy side dish.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, in conjunction with protein, is necessary for the production of collagen. It regulates the sebaceous glands to keep skin from drying out; helps prevent facial lines, wrinkles and spider veins and hair tangling or breaking. Vitamin C is essential for the health of the hair, eyes and teeth, for resistance to infection, healing of wounds and firm skin tissues. This is the most important vitamin for the immune system and for the formation of cells and body tissues. Vitamin C is water-soluble, our bodies don't produce or store this vitamin. It's absorbed better if accompanied by other minerals. Vitamin C rich foods are: citrus (oranges, tangerines), broccoli, red peppers, cabbage or Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, guavas, currants and rose hips, kiwi fruit and strawberries .


They are rich in carotenes and complex B vitamins, nutrients that help to keep the skin healthy and beautiful. They also contain a rich amount of vitamin E, which helps cells to stay young.


Sunflower seeds are salted and boiled briefly; or they can be slightly roasted in a pan with a touch of olive oil. You can prepare them toasted and add them to a arugula salad or fresh spinach salad. Top the salad off with ground sea salt or grated cheese. Prepare a dressing with olive oil or unprocessed sunflower oil and balsamic vinegar.

Toasted Sun Flower Seed Salad

Vitamin E

Vitamin E

An antioxidant that helps the body to fight free radicals; which is why it is useful in protecting the skin and body from the adverse effects of environmental pollution and ultraviolet rays. It also helps to moisturize the skin. In beauty treatments it's used after deep exfoliating treatments to stimulate and restore tissues. Cosmetic creams also help the micro circulation of the skin, keeping the tissues hydrated and nutrient rich, improving the skin's elasticity and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Apply vitamin E externally help to soothe inflammations and cure scars. It is particularly useful in treating acne. Vitamin E is found in raw vegetable oils, dried fruits, avocados, nuts, and wheat germ Warning . It is not recommended taking vitamin E supplements for long periods or in excessive doses because it can affect the functioning of the heart.

Folic acid

Helps to restore the cells, making it beneficial for the rejuvenation of the skin, preventing blood vessel and other hair or scalp problems. This mineral helps to prevent birth defects, it's recommended for women trying to get pregnant to begin taking a folic acid supplement months before fertilization. Folic acid is found in dark green vegetables, enriched breakfast cereals, liver, brewer's yeast, beans, citrus fruit, wheat germ and meat .


Present in all cells, especially in the skin, nails, hair and cartilage. It aids in the synthesis of collagen and also aids in the breakdown and digestion of fats and carbohydrates. It supports the skin's pigmentation. Sulfur also makes up a number of hormones and vitamins, neutralizing toxins and helping the liver secret bile. It is used as a topical treatment, particularly in cases of acne. It is found in beans, cabbage, raw garlic, onion, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, oily seeds, eggs, fish and bran .


Contains all of the vitamins needed for healthy skin: E, A, B 2 , B 3 and in lower quantities, vitamin C. More than any other nutrient, it's high in vitamin E, one of the major antioxidants to help prevent the skin from aging. It is important for the skin's overall health, because this yum my vegetable contains essential fatty acids and proteins that are easily digested and absorbed in the body. It doesn't raise the level of “bad” cholesterol.


Mash 1 large avocado. Mix with salt, olive oil, tomatoes and chopped garlic (or green onion). You can eat this dip with bread slices or corn chips.

Delicious Guacamole


This nutrient is very important for the skin's health. It works along side vitamin A, to help restore skin tissue, synthesize collagen and elastin, making sure that the skin stays toned and elastic. It has a number of antioxidant actions that help the immune system and cell growth. It is used as a therapeutic treatment against acne, herpes and allergies. Pumpkinseeds are a good source of this vital mineral, although it's also found in oysters, popcorn, and sesame seeds .



Essential mineral for the human body, it helps in the formation of hemoglobin and for oxygen to travel to the tissue. An essential mineral for the immune and respiratory systems. Iron plays an important role in the functioning of antioxidants and helps to activate vitamins in the B group, that among other functions, help to regulate the skin's health. A deficiency of this vitamin causes anaemia and is accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, pale face, cold sores, dry skin and split hair ends. You may also notice that your nails break easily. Iron rich foods include: oysters, liver, red meat, tuna, salmon, fortified cereals, beans, whole grains, egg yolks, lentils, oatmeal, brown rice, broccoli, amaranth, spinach and almonds .


Rich in iron, zinc and selenium, all essential minerals for the skin's health. Pumpkin seeds are also high in beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and vitamins C and E, powerful antioxidants.

Antioxidant Seeds


Briefly toast a handful of pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds. Separately, brown 1 onion and 1 chopped garlic; add 1 grated pumpkin and lastly the seeds. Brown for 5 minutes and serve.


Magnesium helps with the formation of the bones and teeth and assists the absorption of calcium and potassium. It is an important antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals. It also plays a role in the formation of melanin, making it an important mineral in producing skin and hair pigmentation. Deficiency of this mineral can cause skin eruptions, loss of color or dulling skin, dull hair, weak nails and loss of good cholesterol. Found in wheat germ, avocado, chestnuts, almonds, brown rice and coconut .


This vegetable is rich in iron, copper, silica, magnesium and sulfur. It is also high in vitamins A, C, B and E, it has antioxidant properties and improves the health and beauty of the skin. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent infections.



Steam ½ cauliflower cut into large chunks and then drain. Sauté 1 clove of garlic in olive oil and add the cauliflower and let brown. Add 4 beaten eggs. Add salt to taste and chopped parsley for garnish. Brown the omelette on one side and then flip over to brown the other side.


An important antioxidant, necessary for keeping the skin, nails, hair and eyes healthy. It helps prevent accelerated aging and helps the skin fight off infections. Good sources of selenium are: molasses, wheat germ, barley, oats, seafood, peas and liver .


A fundamental component in the synthesis of collagen, a deficiency can cause lines (caused by lack of skin elasticity), wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. It plays a supportive role in the functioning of blood capillaries and in the health of the hair and nails. Found in whole grains, seaweed, oatmeal and miso .

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