Tension fighting yoga
Because tension and anxiety often bring on headaches, different yoga poses -which favor relaxation- may be very beneficial to prevent and relieve headaches and migraines.
+ Yoga can be a very beneficial exercise, because the technique guides students to lead a healthy and regular life, which has a lot to do in stress prevention and the accumulation of tension in the body. Through the practice of yoga, energy is channelled constructively, helping us to calm our minds and bringing well-being. This discipline helps oxygen flow to the brain (which helps to reduce irritability) and helps to align the muscles in the head, neck and throughout the entire body. Yoga poses can also help to control the flow of blood to the head and to reduce muscular tension.
Yoga is also highly recommended for patients who can't take medication, because the technique may work as a natural treatment, short term or long term.
Each yoga pose (also known as asanas ) is thought to strengthen, harmonize and increase the body's flexibility. The poses help the mind to concentrate and prepare the body for relaxation through exercises and breathing techniques. It's best to practice yoga sessions in an appropriate atmosphere, with soft lighting, music and repetitive mental formulas ( mantras ) which help you enter a state of meditation. In general, asanas help the mind and body to relax, which may be very helpful in preventing and relieving headaches. However, there are a few yoga postures that specifically focus on the energy centers located in the head, that irrigate brain's blood vessels and help fight intense pains.
The Plow
This posture aims to help enter an optimum state of relaxation and mental calm, which may relieve and prevent neurological pain. In addition it nourishes the spinal nerves and gives flexibility to the spine, neck and back, which may help to relieve headaches brought on by tension. This pose also supports digestion, which can sometimes cause headaches.
1. Begin the position lying on your back, with your legs together, arms down by your sides next to your body and palm of your hands pressed to the floor. Bring your chin toward your chest and press your back muscles to the floor. Inhale through your nose and raise your legs up until they are at a 90 degree angle with your torso. Exhale, then inhale and bring your hips off the floor, supporting your back with your hands.
2. Without bending your knees, stretch out your legs by bringing them behind your head, until your toes touch the floor. Your arms should stay forward, with the palms of your hands pressed to the floor. Stay in this position breathing slowly and deeply. Next, inhale through your nose and slowly lower your legs while you exhale. Concentrate on how each segment of your spine presses against the floor.
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