Secret Chinese finger techniques
Among the different manual therapies, Chinese massages may be particularly effective in treating headaches, neck tension and fatigue.

+ An expert in Chinese massage can work wonders by simply transmitting chi (vital energy) to someone who is suffering from headaches. The concept of chi is fundamental to life according to Chinese and Japanese traditional medicine. It means vitality, acts as the creating force of the Universe and flows through all living beings. Each human has this energy, although in different levels. Some have weak chi, while others have stronger chi energy flowing throughout their bodies. Health depends on a strong presence of chi, a lack of or imbalances in it can provoke illnesses. Meanwhile, the presence of chi helps a person to stay physically and mentally healthy.
Maintaining the life energy balance isn't necessarily easy to achieve, it requires extensive training. However, a trained chi can be very efficient in relieving pain. To balance and stimulate life energy flow, the hands are placed on different points of the head. Some massages can be used as self-administered, but most exercises require two people: a donator –sensitive to the process of transmission and receiving– and a receiver.
1. The patient should sit in a comfortable position. The person giving the massage places their hands over the head of the receiver, keeping the hands cupped. Concentrate on transmitting chi for two minutes. The receiver should feel a sense of heat in some parts of the head.

2. Place the index and middle fingers near the eyebrows and transmit the chi to this point for another two minutes. Next, slowly remove the fingers from this point.

1. With the patient sitting, place the thumbs in the cavities at the base of the skull, right where the neck begins, and transmit chi. One side of the neck may be tenser than the other.

2. Depending on which side is tenser, turn the head toward the right or left until the tension is balanced.

3. Bring the head backward and press with your thumbs the hollows at the base of the skull and transmit chi for a minute.

4. Then release the pressure and return the head to its normal position. Place the hands over the eyes and continue transmitting chi for thirty seconds more.

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