The power of water

Water is one of the most powerful curing sources in nature, with therapeutic and preventative properties. Using hydrotherapy techniques is simple and inexpensive. This therapy is beneficial for a number of discomforts, including the skin and respiratory problems caused by allergies.

The power of water

+ Curing techniques with water to prevent and relieve health problems has been used since ancient times. Hypocrates used hydrotherapy 2,300 years ago to cure ill patients. The following techniques described were developed specifically to treat skin problems and symptoms related to allergies.


In general, hydrotherapy doesn't present any side effects. However, people who suffer from heart troubles or high or low blood pressure should take precautions when using hot or cold temperatures, like hot baths or effusions over the body. Warm compresses should not be used when suffering from a fever. Avoid cold compresses or baths if you are cold or suffer from high blood pressure.


Using cold bandages improves circulation, increasing the flow of blood to the affected area of the body, promoting the reduction of waste through the skin and giving a pleasant, calming sensation. For eczema, irritated or inflamed skin or rashes, apply cold compresses with mineral rich clay to give immediate relief and to soften the skin. Mix 3 tablespoons of clay with water until it has a firm consistency. Refrigerate, then place a layer 5 millimiters thick over the skin and cover with a towel soaked in clay. Change the bandage every 10 minutes. Before using this treatment it's recommended consulting your allergist.

Warning. Not recommended for people who suffer from high blood pressure.

Clay Water to Treat Skin Problems

Using cold bandages improves circulation


To contribute to a good cleaning of the nostrils and to relieve excess mucus, it's recommended washing both nostrils twice daily with sea salt diluted in lukewarm water. You can find sea salt in health food stores and vitamin dealers.


Before using clay treatments consult your doctor.


It's not recommended to take steam baths if you have serious infections, low blood pressure, kidney disorder, hyper-thyroids, or clogged or clotted blood circulation (varicose veins, clogged arteries). Everyone should consult his doctor before using this therapy.

Healthy Steam


Steam baths are a great therapy for detoxifying the body. Because the treatment makes you sweat, it helps your body to expel waste while at the same time relaxing and bringing well-being to your mind and body. Steam is an effective treatment to help relieve the symptoms related to respiratory problems. Recommended treatments:

  1. Finnish bath, consists of sitting in a chamber with steam formed by pouring water with eucalyptus essence over porous, hot rocks. This steam bath is done in a closed room with temperatures up to 113 °F/45 °C. It helps to relax and relieve tensions, while at the same time the aroma released from the eucalyptus essential oil has a stimulating effect and helps the respiratory system recover. Before using this therapy for the first time, consult a medical specialist.
  2. Turkish bath, traditionally practiced in Turkey. It consists of a series of steam chambers with different temperatures ranging from 113 to 158 °F/45 to 70 °C. Heat is generated by hot water that circulates through pipes and radiators located along the walls of the chambers. Because of the humidity in the room, your sweat doesn't evaporate, your body can't cool down and you sweat even more.


Facial steam with salt.

Traditionally a remedy from grandma's days, an old fashioned and sure fire way to provide relief for respiratory ailments such as hay fever and asthma: place water in a pot and add a hand full of rock salt. Allow to boil, take off the heat and add to a bowl. Breathe the steam for at least 10 minutes.

To prevent congestion.

Steam from a vaporizer, when adding a few drops of essential oils, helps to keep the air humid relieving congestion.

Steam from a vaporizer


  1. • Hydrotherapy should be practiced in a warm, ventilated room.
  2. • It's not recommended to practice these therapies right before or after eating.
  3. • Don't hold your breath during treatment; you should breath normally.
  4. • When using cold water treatments on the body, make sure that you warm up your body before hand and use the treatment in a warm room. Also, if you find that your body is weak or you're not feeling 100 percent, it may be best to use hot water baths because they relax you and reduce your heart rate.
  5. • With all treatments, after a bath you should only dry your hair and face, leaving the rest of the body moist and then wrap up in a thick towel. After taking a bath, it's important to rest in a warm, cozy bed.

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