Cell therapy

Cell therapy is a treatment intended to regenerate or rejuvenate the body byinjecting it with healthy live or freeze-dried cells derived from animal organs or embryos. It is sometimes called fresh or live cell therapy. It is performed to treat specific diseases and disorders, including arthritis, lupus, cancer, HIV infection, cardiovascular and neurological disorders, and Parkinson's disease. It is also used to stimulate the immune system, revitalize bodilyorgans, and slow the effects of aging, including memory loss and sexual dysfunction.

Cell therapy was developed in Switzerland in the 1930s by Dr. Paul Niehans, following emergency treatment of a dying patient with cells taken from an animal's parathyroid gland. Dr. Niehans then worked with scientists from the Nestle Company, who had successfully developed a method of freeze-drying coffee,to develop a method of freeze-drying cells to guarantee the sterility of preparations as well as preserving the cells.

Studies conducted in German universities found that injected cells migrate tothe organ in the human body that corresponds to the organ in the animal fromwhich they were taken. The reasons for the effectiveness of cell therapy, however, are not yet understood. It is thought that live cells may revitalize an "old" organ by "reprogramming" its genetic material. Another theory proposes that the fresh cells stimulate secretions that restore the proper functioning of the targeted organ.

Cell therapy cannot be practiced within the United States because of Food andDrug Administration (FDA) restrictions. Patients must travel to Mexico, theBahamas, England, or Germany for treatment. The cost of the therapy is $2,500for initial injections and $1,500 for follow-up booster treatments.

Before undergoing cell therapy treatment, patients are administered a test injection at the clinic to check for potential allergic reactions. The treatment itself consists of several injections of organ cells into the muscles of the buttocks. Patients are asked to limit alcoholic beverages and smoking during the course of treatment.

After therapy, patients are given instructions regarding lifestyle choices toprolong the effects of cell therapy. Recommendations include diet, exercise,adequate rest, and meditation.

The cell therapy recovery process is divided into three stages, or phases. The first phase, immediately after treatment, is characterized by marked improvement in skin and general level of well-being. The reaction phase which lastsfor approximately two weeks, is marked by tiredness and return of some earlier symptoms. The healing phase, which takes six to nine months after treatment to begin and may last several years, is defined by long-term improvements in stamina, skin tone, and general health. Cell therapy treatments are repeated with "booster shots" at one- to three-year intervals.

Patients with kidney or liver disease, short-term infections, or inflammatorydisorders should not be treated with cell therapy. In addition, patients whohave an allergic reaction to the test injection should not proceed with therapy.

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