Physical allergy

Physical allergies are allergic reactions to cold, sunlight, heat, or minor injury. The immune system is designed to protect the body from harmful invaders such as germs. Occasionally, it goes awry and attacks harmless or mildly noxious agents, doing more harm than good. This event is termed allergy if thetarget is from the outside like pollen or bee venom and autoimmunity if it iscaused by one of the body's own components.

The immune system usually responds only to certain kinds of chemicals, namelyproteins. However, non-proteins can trigger the same sort of response, probably by altering a protein to make it look like a target. Physical allergy refers to reactions in which a protein is not the initial inciting agent.

Sometimes it takes a combination of elements to produce an allergic reaction.A classic example is drugs that are capable of sensitizing the skin to sunlight. The result is phototoxicity, which appears as an increased sensitivity to sunlight or as localized skin rashes on sun-exposed areas.

  • Minor injury, such as scratching, causes itchy welts to develop in about 5% of people. The presence of itchy welts (urticaria) is a condition is called dermographism.
  • Cold can change certain proteins in the blood sothat they induce an immune reaction. This may indicate that there are abnormal proteins in the blood from a disease of the bone marrow. The reaction mayalso involve the lungs and circulation, producing wheezing and fainting
  • Heat allergies can be caused by exercise or even strong emotions in sensitive people.
  • Sunlight, even without drugs, causes immediate urticariain some people. This may be a symptom of porphyria a genetic metabolic defect.
  • Elements like nickel and chromium, although not proteins, commonly cause skin rashes, and iodine allergy causes skin rashes and sores inthe mouth in allergic individuals.
  • Pressure or vibration can also cause urticaria.
  • Water contact can cause aquagenic urticaria, presumably due to chlorine or some other trace chemical in the water, although distilled water has been known to cause this reaction.

When the inflammatory reaction involves deeper layers of the skin, urticariabecomes angioedema. The skin, especially the lips and eyelids, swells. The tongue, throat, and parts of the digestive tract may also be involved. Angioedema may be due to physical agents. Often the cause remains unknown.

Visual examination of the symptoms usually diagnoses the reaction. Further skin tests and review of the patient's photosensitivity may reveal a cause.

Removing the offending agent is the first step to treatment. If sun is involved, shade and sunscreens are necessary. The reaction can usually be controlled with epinephrine, antihistamines, or cortisone-like drugs. Itching can be controlled with cold packs or commercial topical agents that contain menthol,camphor, eucalyptus oil, aloe, antihistamines, or cortisone preparations.

If the causative agent has been diagnosed, avoidance of or protection againstthe allergen cures the allergy. Usually, allergies can be managed through treatment.

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