Smoke Inhalation - Causes

The smoke a person inhales can cause damage to the body in three different ways. First, the smoke may actually cause burns. The smoke is carried in by hot air that can damage or destroy tissues in the mouth, nose, and upper respiratory (breathing) system.

Smoke can also cause damage by irritating tissues. The materials found in smoke can be toxic (poisonous) to cells or they can cause physical damage by rubbing across tissues.

Finally, smoke can harm the body because it cuts off the supply of oxygen. Cells need oxygen in order to remain alive and function normally. If too much smoke is present in the body, it can prevent oxygen from reaching cells. Cells and tissues then begin to die from oxygen starvation.

A substance that causes muscles in the respiratory system to relax.
A device consisting of a long thin tube with a light and camera on the end for looking into a patient's airways and lungs
Pertaining to the lungs.
Respiratory system:
The nose, tonsils, larynx, pharynx, lungs, and other structures used in the process of breathing.

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