Skin Disorders - Treatment

Contact Dermatitis

One step in treating the allergic reactions that cause contact dermatitis is to eliminate the substance that causes the reaction. For example, people who are allergic to certain household cleanser should not use those cleansers. They should find substitutes for them.

The itchiness and inflammation caused by dermatitis can be treated with a variety of products. The most effective products contain steroids. A doctor's advice should be sought, however, as some over-the-counter products can make a patient's condition worse. Antihistamines can also be taken to reduce an allergic reaction. These products act against the chemicals produced by the immune system that cause a rash.

Patients with other forms of dermatitis may require specialized treatments. For example, patients with statis dermatitis should elevate their legs whenever possible. They should sleep with a pillow under their lower legs.


The treatment of psoriasis depends on the severity of a patient's condition. Mild cases may be treated in much the same way as contact dermatitis. Steroid creams often relieve the itchiness of rashes and scabs.

More serious cases of psoriasis may be treated with applications of ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet (UV) light is a naturally occurring part of ordinary sunlight. Under some circumstances, it can have beneficial effects in curing certain medical disorders. But it can also have serious side effects. It should be administered only under the direction of a medical professional. UV light may also be used in conjunction with steroids and other medications.

The most severe cases of psoriasis are difficult to treat. Various medications are available for use, but most have serious side effects. Methotrexate has become popular for the treatment of psoriasis, but it can damage the liver. A number of deaths have occurred among patients whose liver functions were not adequately checked by doctors.


Vitiligo can not be cured, but it can be managed. The primary goal is to improve the appearance of the white areas caused by the condition. Careful use of cosmetics and selection of clothing can help. Patients may also need counseling about their condition. Extreme cases of vitiligo can be very unattractive. Patients may need help in learning how to live with their disorder.

Alternative Treatment

As with traditional medicine, the first step recommended for treating contact dermatitis is removal of the material that causes the allergy. Alternative practitioners then have a number of ways for relieving the redness and itchiness of a rash. These include:

  • A warm oatmeal bath
  • Clay or mud packs
  • Herbal remedies, such as burdock root, calendula, chamomile, cleavers, evening primrose oil, nettles, and sassafras

Suggested treatments for psoriasis, in addition to the ones listed above, include:

  • Soaking in a warm chamomile or salt water bath
  • Drinking up to three cups a day of hot tea made from burdock root, dandelion root, Oregon grape, sarsaparilla, or balsam pear
  • Eating a diet rich in fish, turkey, celery, parsley, lettuce, lemons, limes, fiber, and fruit and vegetables
  • Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day
  • Taking nutritional supplements, such as folic acid, lecithin, vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc

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