Periodontal Disease - Causes

How bacteria in the periodontal pocket cause tissue destruction is not fully understood. Researchers to know that bacteria that live in plaque and tartar produce acids when they digest foods. These acids can destroy tooth enamel and bone. The bacteria also produce toxins (poisons) that can kill cells in gum tissue. Finally, when the body's immune system attacks the bacteria, some gum tissue is destroyed at the same time.

The most basic cause of periodontal disease is poor oral hygiene. Regular toothbrushing and flossing remove most of the plaque and tartar on which bacteria live. They can greatly reduce the risk for any form of periodontal disease. Regular dental checkups are also important. Dental hygienists can remove any of the plaque and tartar that may still remain.

Gingivitis is usually the first stage in all other periodontal diseases. If it can be prevented or controlled, the more serious forms of the disease are unlikely to occur.

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