Mental Retardation - Prognosis

The prognosis for individuals with mild to moderate mental retardation is usually good. These individuals can often become self-sufficient to some degree. However, they may require some educational, community, social, family, and vocational support.

Lincoln Beard (back) and Forrest Beard (front), mentally retarded twin brothers, had their home converted into a group home where mentally retarded individuals can live in a community atmosphere with moderate supervision. (Reproduced by permission of AP/Wide World Photos)
Lincoln Beard (back) and Forrest Beard (front), mentally retarded twin brothers, had their home converted into a group home where mentally retarded individuals can live in a community atmosphere with moderate supervision. (Reproduced by permission of
AP/Wide World Photos

The outlook is less promising for those with severe to profound retardation. These individuals tend to have a shortened life expectancy due to the medical problems that often accompany serious mental retardation.

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