Laryngitis - Treatment

Since laryngitis is usually caused by a virus, there is no cure for the disease. Treatment is aimed at relieving its symptoms. Gargling with warm salt water, taking pain relievers, using a moist air vaporizer, and getting plenty of rest are usually the best practices to follow.

When laryngitis is more serious, which is rare, it needs special treatment. For example, an infant who has trouble breathing may temporarily require an artificial airway. A person with tubercular laryngitis requires the combination of medications used to treat tuberculosis itself.

Alternative Treatment

One kind of alternative treatment is aromatherapy. In aromatherapy, the patient breathes fumes of special mixtures with soothing properties. For laryngitis, these mixtures may contain lavender, frankincense, thyme, or sandalwood. Special solutions for gargling can be made with a variety of herbs, including sage, yarrow, or licorice.

Some practitioners recommend the use of echinacea (pronounced eki-NAY-see-uh) to strengthen the immune system. Herbs believed to kill viruses, such as usnea (pronounced US-nee-uh), have also been suggested. Homeopathic remedies are recommended based on the patient's symptoms. Some people may get relief by placing cold compresses (pads) on the throat.

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