Hypothermia - Prevention

Hypothermia can be prevented by following some simple rules. First, people who have to spend time outdoors in cold weather should wear adequate clothing. Head covering is especially important since 30 to 50 percent of body heat is lost through the head. Clothing should also be kept as dry as possible. Water absorbs heat faster than air, so wet clothes cause body temperature to drop quickly. Alcoholic beverages should be avoided also. Alcohol causes blood vessels to expand, causing the body to lose heat faster.

The best method for preventing hypothermia is to wear appropriate clothing in cold temperatures. (© Jeff Greenberg. Reproduced by permission of Photo Researchers, Inc.)
The best method for preventing hypothermia is to wear appropriate clothing in cold temperatures. (©
Jeff Greenberg
. Reproduced by permission of
Photo Researchers, Inc.

For a number of reasons, hypothermia is a special problem among elderly people. They may be subject to a variety of medical problems that make them more sensitive to cold temperatures. The medications they take may also make them more subject to hypothermia. Elderly people sometimes forget to take necessary precautions against chills, such as keeping the house warm enough and getting adequate meals.

Friends and neighbors can play an important role in preventing the elderly from developing hypothermia. They can check up on older relatives and friends to make sure that they continue to take necessary precautions against hypothermia.

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