Heat Disorders - Treatment

The first steps in treating any form of hyperthermia include:

  • Moving the patient to a cooler location.
  • Providing the patient with cool water.
  • Giving the patient liquids that contain electrolytes.

Electrolytes are chemicals that occur naturally in the body and that maintain the proper balance of fluids in the body. The usual liquids given a patient are salt water that contains a low concentration of salt, or a sports drink such as Gatorade.

The patient should not be given salt tablets. The concentration of salt in tablets is too high for the body to absorb. Salt tablets can make a case of hyperthermia more serious, rather than improving it.

The above steps are often sufficient to treat most cases of heat cramps and heat exhaustion. Massage of leg muscles can also offer relief from the pain and soreness of heat cramps. Patients with heat exhaustion should be made to lie down with their feet elevated.

Cases of heat stroke require emergency treatment by trained medical personnel. While waiting for this help, some first aid measures can be taken. Ice packs should be placed around the neck, under the arms and knees, and in the groin. Medical treatment may involve intravenous feeding of fluids and electrolytes. Bed rest is often necessary for many days.

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