Head Injury - Treatment

The first step in treating most forms of head injury is to keep the patient quiet in a darkened room. The patient's head and shoulders should be raised slightly on a pillow or blanket.

The next step in treatment depends on the nature of the injury. In the case of a penetrating wound, for example, surgery may be necessary. In a closed head injury, surgery may also be required to drain blood from the brain or to remove a clot. Surgery may also be needed to repair severe skull fractures.

Hospitalization is often necessary following head injuries. Medical workers will observe a patient to watch for any change in his or her condition. In addition, drugs can be given to prevent seizures. A tube can also be inserted into the brain to drain off excess fluid.

A person with a severe head injury may require long-term treatment. This treatment may be needed to help the person recover mental functions lost as a result of the injury. Long-term treatment can sometimes be conducted in day treatment programs. People with the most severe forms of head injury may need to be cared for in a special institution.

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