Fractures, Sprains, and Strains - Prevention

An adequate level of calcium in the diet is essential to reduce the risk of fractures. People with too little calcium in their diet tend to have weak bones that break more easily. Calcium supplements may be necessary if a person does not get enough of the nutrient in his or her regular diet.

Exercise can help strengthen bones. Older people in particular can benefit from a regular program of moderate exercise.

The risk of fractures can also be reduced by making use of safety measures. For example, passengers in cars should always wear seat belts. Anyone who engages in contact sports should use protective equipment available for the sport. Women past the age of fifty should consider taking estrogen replacement medication to help reduce the chance of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a weakening of bones that occurs commonly in women past the age of menopause.

Sprains and strains can be prevented by following some simple guidelines, including warming up before exercise, using proper lifting techniques, wearing properly fitting shoes, and taping or bracing joints that may receive unusual stress.

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