Earache - Symptoms

Symptoms vary depending on the type of ear infection.

Otitis Externa

The first symptom of otitis externa is usually itching in the outer ear. As the infection develops, the ear becomes very painful. Just touching the ear can often cause severe pain.

The auditory canal may also become swollen. When this happens, it becomes narrower, making it more difficult for sounds to pass to the middle ear. The patient may find it more difficult to hear.

In severe cases of otitis externa, the outer ear may become red and swollen. A fever often develops. The lymph nodes around the ear may also become swollen and painful.

Otitis Media

Otitis media is characterized by fever, pain, and problems with hearing. Fluid may develop in the middle ear. This fluid may press on nerves, causing severe pain. Babies may have difficulty feeding because of the pressure in the middle ear.

The lymph nodes around the eustachian tubes may also become inflamed and painful. These lymph nodes are called the adenoids. Infections of the adenoids often occur along with URIs and infections of the middle ear.

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