Cystitis - Description

In children under the age of twelve months, cystitis is about four times more common among boys than girls. Among adults, this pattern is very different. The condition is fifty times as common among women as among men. After the age of fifty, the pattern changes again. The rate of cystitis among men increases because of a greater number of prostate problems among men. The prostate is a gland surrounding the male urethra in front of the bladder.

The nature of cystitis varies considerably in men and women. The reason for this variation is the difference between the urinary tract in males and females.

Cystitis is a common female problem. About one-quarter of all adult women are thought to have had at least one episode of cystitis. Between 2 and 5 percent of women's visits to doctors are for UTI symptoms. About 90 percent of these cases are uncomplicated. Many women, however, experience repeated bouts of cystitis.

UTIs are uncommon in younger and middle-aged men. They become more common as men grow older. Older men are more likely to develop bacterial infections of the kidney or prostate gland. These infections may spread and cause cystitis.

Cystitis in children is usually a congenital problem. A congenital problem is one that is present at birth. For example, some children are unable to empty their bladders completely. Urine may remain in or flows backward into the bladder. This condition may lead to cystitis.

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