Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Description

The carpal (pronounced CAR-pull) tunnel is an area in the wrist formed by bones and ligaments. It provides a protected passageway for the median nerve. The median nerve is responsible for feelings and movement in the hand, especially the thumb and first three fingers. When pressure is applied to the median nerve, the hand feels as if it has gone to sleep.

Carpal tunnel:
A passageway in the wrist, created by bones and ligaments, through which the median nerve passes.
A test used to measure how well a nerve is functioning.
Median nerve:
A nerve that runs through the wrist and into the hand, providing feeling and movement to the hand, thumb, and fingers.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is most common among women between the ages of thirty and sixty. The disorder is a major cause of missed workdays because of the pain it causes. In 1995 about $270 million was spent for sick days taken as a result of CTS-related problems.

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