Burns and Scalds - Symptoms

The major signs of a burn are redness, swelling, and pain in the affected area. A severe burn will also blister. The skin may also peel, appear white or charred (blackened), or feel numb. A burn may also trigger a headache and fever. The most serious burns may cause shock. The symptoms of shock include faintness, weakness, rapid pulse and breathing, pale and clammy skin, and bluish lips and fingernails.

A unit used in the treatment of burns to express the amount of the total body surface area covered by the burn.
The surgical removal of dead skin.
A burn caused by a hot liquid or steam.
A life-threatening condition that results from low blood volume due to loss of blood or other fluids.
Skin graft:
A surgical procedure in which dead skin is removed and replaced by healthy skin, usually taken from the patient's own body.
Thermal burns:
Burns caused by hot objects.

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