Appendicitis - Causes

The causes of appendicitis are not well understood. A number of factors are thought to be responsible for the disease. One is an obstruction (blocking) within the appendix. Another is the development of an ulceration (a sore) within the appendix. A third factor is a bacterial infection.

Surgical removal of the appendix.
The worm-shaped pouch near the beginning of the large intestine.
Computed tomography (CT) scan:
A procedure by which X rays are directed at a patient's body from various angles and the set of photographs thus obtained assembled by a computer program.
Computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan:
Another name for a computed tomography (CT) scan.
A procedure in which a tube with a small light and viewing device is inserted through a small incision near the navel, allowing a surgeon to look directly into the patient's abdomen.
A surgical procedure that allows a surgeon to view the inside of the abdominal cavity.
Inflammation of the membranes that line the abdominal wall.

Under any one of these conditions, disease-causing bacteria may begin to multiply within the appendix. The appendix becomes swollen and filled with pus. Pus is a fluid formed in infected tissue consisting of white blood cells and dead cells. When this happens, the appendix may rupture.

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