The Special Senses - Taking care: keeping the special senses healthy

As stated earlier, aging brings about a decline in the functioning of the special senses. Older people often do not see, hear, smell, and taste as well as they once did. This decline is often gradual and, for the most part, affects the quality of an individual's life to a modest degree.

Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear space behind the eardrum. The infection poses a special problem because it often results in fluid accumulation within the middle ear. (Illustration by Electronic Illustrators Group.)
Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear space behind the eardrum. The infection poses a special problem because it often results in fluid accumulation within the middle ear. (Illustration by
Electronic Illustrators Group

However, neglect of the senses during life can cause a premature decline in their ability to function. Excessive exposure to loud sounds can damage hair cells in the ears that cannot be replaced. Operating modern machinery without wearing protective ear devices or listening to loud music for long periods of time both contribute to hearing loss.

Wearing protective devices over the eyes in most work situations is equally important to prevent injury and possible permanent damage. Eye strain brought on by staring at a computer screen for hours is an increasingly common problem in modern life. To minimize the strain placed on the eyes, an individual should regularly take breaks and walk away from the computer or look away from the screen and focus on some distant object for a while.

Since the special senses are often affected by problems in other parts or systems of the body, it is important to take care of the body as a whole. By getting adequate rest, reducing stress, drinking healthy amounts of good-quality drinking water, not smoking, drinking moderate amounts of alcohol (or not drinking at all), following a proper diet, and exercising regularly, a person can help his or her body to operate at peak efficiency.

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