The Muscular System - For more information


Avila, Victoria. How Our Muscles Work. New York: Chelsea House, 1995.

Ballard, Carol. The Skeleton and Muscular System. Austin, TX: Raintree/Steck-Vaughn, 1997.

Feinberg, Brian. The Musculoskeletal System. New York: Chelsea House, 1993.

Llamas, Andreu. Muscles and Bones. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens, 1998.

Parker, Steve. Muscles. Brookfield, CT: Copper Beech Books, 1997.

Silverstein, Alvin, Virginia Silverstein, and Robert Silverstein. The Muscular System. New York: Twenty-First Century Books, 1994.

WWW Sites

Cyber Anatomy: Muscular System
Site provides detailed front and rear views of the human body with major muscle groups labeled. Also includes brief paragraph descriptions of the three types of muscle tissue.

Hosford Muscle Tables: Skeletal Muscles of the Human Body
Web site is an index containing detailed information about the skeletal muscles of the human body. Included is each muscle's origin, insertion, action, blood supply, and innervation.

Muscular Dystrophy Association
Homepage of the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Muscular System
Site offers a description of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle tissues and an investigation on how groups of muscles function in different areas of the body.

Muscular System
Site includes large images of the human muscular system (front and rear views) with each major muscle linked to a paragraph explanation of its structure and function. Other links on the site feature a paragraph overview of the muscular system, an explanation of the muscle cell types, and nerve/muscle connections.

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