Dental Implants & Dentures - Dental implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants, or osseointegration , are an effective alternative to ordinary dentures because they serve as substitutes for natural tooth roots that rely on the jawbone for support. Implants are capable of supporting dentures or replacing individual teeth or bridges.

Although physicians have been experimenting with dental implants for centuries, researchers only recently developed the most advanced version of the implant using titanium, whose primary advantage is that bone tissue actually fuses to it.

An implant consists of a small post that protrudes from the gum tissue and is anchored either in the jaw bone (endosseous) or fitted directly over the jaw bone (subperiosteal). Prosthetic teeth are attached to the posts. These prosthetic teeth can be permanent or removable; cleaning and care depends upon the type.

Because it is a surgical procedure that can take up to three visits over a period of three to six months, most implant surgery occurs in two stages. First, the general dentist or oral surgeon implants the metal “roots” and then, in a second surgery, attaches the metal posts with the prosthetic teeth.

Not everyone is a candidate for implants. You must have healthy gums and an adequate amount of jawbone to secure the implant. You must be in general good health and not have a disease or condition, such as diabetes, that would interfere with the healing process after surgery. Meticulous oral hygiene is essential once you have an implant. Failing to brush, floss, and care properly for implants can lead to gum inflammation and bone loss. Consult with your dentist to determine if this procedure is compatible with your dental problems.

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