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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- June 25

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Interesting things that happened June 25th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1887 George Abbott, broadway producer
  In 1894 Hermann Oberth, founder of modern astronautics
  In 1924 Sidney Lumet, movie director
  In 1925 June Lockhart (in New York City), actor (Lassie, Lost in Space)
  In 1942 Willis Reed, basketball player
  In 1945 Carly Simon (in New York City), singer
  In 1949 Phyllis George (in Denton, Texas), commentator, former Miss America
        + Jimmie Walker, comedian
  In 1963 George Michael (in England), singer

Events worth noting:
  In 1178 Five Canterbury monks report something exploding on the Moon (only
          known observation).  These monks have NO winery of their own.
  In 1630 The fork reputedly introduced to American dining by Gov. Winthrop.
  In 1788 Virginia becomes the 10th state.
  In 1835 Pueblo founded with construction of first building (start of Yerba
          Buena, later to be called San Francisco).
  In 1862 Day 1 of the Seven Days begins with fighting at Oak Grove.
  In 1864 Petersburg Campaign - Federals begin digging tunnels under Reb
  In 1868 Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, North Carolina and South
          Carolina are re-admitted to the Union.
  In 1876 Lt. Col George Custer and 7th Cavalry wiped out by Sioux and
          Cheyenne Indians.
        + First public display of the telephone at the Philedelphia
  In 1903 Yanks and White Sox end deadlocked at 6-6 in 18.
  In 1906 Architect Stanford White shot dead atop Madison Square Garden, which
          he designed, by Harry Thaw, the jealous husband of Evelyn Nesbit.
          During Thaw's trial, he tried to plead 'brainstorming' (temporary
  In 1919 First flight an advanced monoplane airliner (Junkers F13).
  In 1929 Pres. Hoover authorizes the building of Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam).
  In 1934 Yank pitcher John Broaca ties record by striking out 5 times.
  In 1941 Finland declares war on the U.S.S.R.
  In 1942 British RAF staged a thousand-bomber raid on Bremen Germany (WW II).
  In 1950 El Al begins air service.
        + Korean Conflict begins; North Korea invades South Korea.
  In 1951 First color TV broadcast - CBS' Arthur Godfrey from NYC. Four cities
          see the show in color.
  In 1953 First passenger to fly commercially around the world in less than
          100 hours.
  In 1961 Yankee's Roger Maris hits his 40th of 61 homers.
  In 1962 Supreme Court rules the use of unofficial non-denominational prayer
          in New York State public schools is unconstitutional.
        + Yankee Jack Reed's 22nd inning homer wins a 7 hour game.
  In 1973 John Dean begins testifying before the Senate Watergate Committee.
  In 1977 Report of LBJ having cancer operation while President denied.
  In 1981 Supreme Court says male-only draft registration is constitutional.
  In 1982 San Francisco holds its first County Fair.
        + Secretary of State Alexander Haig, Jr., resigns.  George Schultz is
          named as a replacement.
  In 1991 Slovenia and Croatia secede from Yugoslavia and civil war breaks

And remember ...
  National Adopt-a-Cat Month
  Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM